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KFT Club Winner show in Bensheim, 27.08.2006

entered Scotties: 28, missing 3

Judge: Helga Birkicht


Judge Mrs. Helga Birkicht worked quite concentrated.

 She told her ring team to be pleased about the good quality of the Scotties shown. Even though she smiled rarely.



Male Veteran Class           Anstamm Aftershock

                V: Ch. Anstamm Future Shock

                        M: Ch. Anstamm Incorrigible

                                 Z: Anstamm Kennels, B: C. Aldinger + Dr. H. P. Clieves


Anstamm Aftershock


Male Youth Class

V1, J.CAC          Arabella's King of Queens

Club-Youth-         V: Stalwart's Lighteining Strikes

Winner               M: Arabella's Avalon

BOB                 Z+B: Martina Kuhlmey


V2, R.J.CAC        Raglan Regulus

                         V: Ch. Seedwe's Clear Round

                M: Raglan Royal Wedding

        Z: D. Ericsson, B: Ute Luig


V3                    Respect Theodor

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                        M: Ch. Respect Quirina

                        Z: A. Hocke, B: Willi Groß


V4                    Brueik Prospector

                         V: Raglan Roal Connection with Brio

                M: Brueik Winter Moon

        Z: Liz Bradley, B: Marcel Reuter


fehlt                 Sir William of of Conor's Clan

                        V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                        M: Glammys Tyrin

                        Z+B: Sybille Gerlach


Brueik Prospector,   Raglan Regulus,   Arabella's King of Queens,   Respect Theodor


Arabella's King of Queens


Raglan Regulus

Respect Theodor


Brueik Prospector


The ranking:
Arabella's King of Queens,   Raglan Regulus,   Respect Theodor,   Brueik Prospector



Male Champion Class

V1, CAC            De Magic Illusion Dali

Club Winner         V: Ch. Berrybreeze Georgie Boy of Micanda

                        M: Ch. De Magic Illusion Domino

                        Z: Serrano+Martinez, B: Serrano+Martinez/Kuhlmey


V2, R. CAC         Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

                         V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z: M. Bichel, B: Helma van Wieringen


V3                    Mafioso Bingo Boy

                V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Shockproof

                        M: Ch. Mafioso Anstamm's Bonnie

                                    Z+B: C. Aldinger + Dr. H. P. Clieves (D)


Mafioso Bingo Boy,   De Magic Illusion Dali,   Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer


Again in same order

De Magic Illusion Dali

Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

Mafioso Bingo Boy
De Magic Illusion Dali


Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

The ranking:

De Magic Illusion Dali

Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

Mafioso Bingo Boy  


Male Open Class

V1                    Downtown Dulce Mafioso

        V: Ch. Mafioso Anstamm's Shocker

                M: Ch. Downtown Nessie

                        Z: B. Bruweleit, B: C. Aldinger + H. P. Clieves (D)


V2                    Sir Darnley's Noble Nicolson

                        V: From Dash Mountain Farm's Chuck

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z: M. Bichel, B: Helma van Wieringen


V3                    Flash of Genius vom schwarzen Joker

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                        M: Ch. Glenheath Galtonia

                        Z: I. Erfurt, B: Ute Luig (D)


fehlt                 Shamrock Little Angus of Conor's Clan

                        V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                        M: Ch. Downtown Zaragoza

                        Z+B: Sybille Gerlach (D)


Downtown Dulce Mafioso,   Flash of Genius vom schwarzen Joker,   Sir Darnley's Noble Nicolson


Downtown Dulce Mafioso


Sir Darnley's Noble Nicolson


Flash of Genius vom schwarzen Joker

Flash of Genius vom schwarzen Joker


Sir Darnley's Noble Nicolson

The ranking:
Downtown Dulce Mafioso,
   Sir Darnley's Noble Nicolson,   Flash of Genius vom schwarzen Joker


left: De Magic Illusion Dali, CAC + Club Winner

right: Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer, R. CAC



Female Veteran Class

1. Platz             Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        V: Ch. Raglan Ringmaster

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Gretna Green

                        Z+B: Maren Bichel


Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

Being 9,5 years of age Kylie still is an enthusiastic show girl. Many thanks to Helma van Wieringen for the fantastic handling!


Female Youth Class

V1, J. CAC         Mafioso Perla

Club-Youth-          V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

Winner                M: Mafioso Nöle

                        Z+B: C.C. Aldinger + Dr. H.P. Clieves


V2, R.J.CAC        Scotguard Good Hope

                        V: Ch. Charthill Pirate's Gold

                        M: Arabella's Disco Boogie

                        Z+B: Claudia Muschket


V3                    Dalmor One Way Wind Ashley

                        V: Ch. Stalwart’s Lightening Strikes

                        M: Dalmor Kimberly Sunshine Spot

                        Z: M. Spiess, B: M. Spiess + M. Schaller


Mafioso Perla

Scotguard Good Hope


Dalmor One Way Wind Ashley


The ranking:

Mafioso Perla

Scotguard Good Hope

Dalmor One Way Wind Ashley


Female Intermediate Class

V1                    From The Southern Hill's Carol

                        V: Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                        M: Sally

                        Z: H. + G. Janssen, B: Sascha Breuer


V2                    Extra Hot Spice of Newlands

                        V: Ch. Beinn Bhreagh’s Archimedes

                        M: December Sun of Newlands

                        Z+B: Monika Eisenhauer


V3                    Respect Suzanne

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                        M: Ch. Respect Penelope

                        Z+B: Aenne Hocke


From The Southern Hill's Carol,   Extra Hot Spice of Newlands,   Respect Suzanne


From The Southern Hill's Carol,  

Extra Hot Spice of Newlands


Female Champion Class

V1, R. CAC         Scotguard Feliz Navidad

                        V: Ch. Arabella's Zabadak

                                M: Bagpiper Butterscotch

                        Z: C. Muschket, B: M. Kuhlmey + C. Muschket


V2                    Mafioso Bambina

                V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Shockproof

                        M: Ch. Mafioso Anstamm's Bonnie

                                    Z+B: C. Aldinger + Dr. H. P. Clieves (D)


V3                    Seabisquit von Tinsdal

        V: Ch. Southern Comfort von Tinsdal

                        M: Sense of Gold von Tinsdal

                        Z: G. Gutschow, B: Simone Pluennecke


V4                    Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis

                         V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm' Merlin

                M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

        Z: M. Bichel, B: R. Schnock + M. Bichel (D)


fehlt                 Dalmor Hillary of Switzerland

                        V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Sundance Kid

                        M: Dalmor Countdown Lewinsky

                        Z: M. Spiess, B: M. Spiess + M. Schaller


Picture above and below:
Mafioso Bambina
Seabisquit von Tinsdal,   Scotguard Feliz Navidad,   Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis


Scotguard Feliz Navidad


Mafioso Bambina


The ranking:
Scotguard Feliz Navidad,   Mafioso Bambina,   Seabisquit von Tinsdal,   Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis


Female Open Class

V1, CAC             Fantastic Flirt vom schwarzen Joker

Club Winner          V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                        M: Ch. Glenheath Galtonia

                        Z+B: Ilona Erfurt


V2                    Dalmor Kimberly Sunshine Spot

                        V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Sundance Kid

                        M: Ch. Enterprise Shena

                        Z: M. Spiess, B: M. Spiess + M. Schaller


V3                    Alice Can Do it

                         V: Nathan vom Ossiland

                M: Princess Ashley von der Bischofswarte

        Z: M. Decker, I. + G. Reichelt


Alice Can Do it,   Fantastic Flirt vom schwarzen Joker,   Dalmor Kimberly Sunshine Spot


Fantastic Flirt vom schwarzen Joker,  

Dalmor Kimberly Sunshine Spot

Alice Can Do it

The class winners in competition for CAC and title:

From The Southern Hill's Carol

Scotguard Feliz Navidad, R. CAC

Fantastic Flirt vom schwarzen Joker, CAC + Club Winner

All ticket winners and the veterans competing for best Scottie:

Anstamm Aftershock,   Arabella's King of Queens,   De Magic Illusion Dali,   Mafioso Perla,   Fantastic Flirt vom schwarzen Joker,   Sie Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie


Arabella's King of Queens

Best of breed


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