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International dog show in Luxembourg, 25.03.2006 

Endered Scotties:           46, missing 4

Judge:                              Mrs.  Martine Diederich (L)

Judge Martine Diederich in the ring


The first CACIB in Luxembourg is a highlight in the spring show calendar. It always is held at the last weekend in March.

This time - very comfortable - the Terriers were judged on Saturday, one day before clock change. So the night before was not that short. 

Together with her husband the young judge, Martine Diederich, herself is breeding Scotties with kennel name  "Spear Thistles". 

Both are already known for their Scottie calendars (Linus, Toffee + Friends) and for sure they are responsable for the lovely designed catalogue.

Within last years Mrs. Martine Diederich often was met as a judge student on international shows. Now for the first time being a jugde she had to decide herself

Really not an easy task in view of this big and prominent entry. During judging the females additionally Martine Diederich also had to take care of a judge student. Even so - at least from outside - she acted determinded.

Exhibitors from 9 countries came to face up to her decision. Following countries were represented:  France (19), Germany (9), Netherlands (6), Russia (3), Italy (2), Poland (2), Belgium (1), Spane (1) and Hungary (1).

A thrilling day!

Enjoy the results and nearly 80 pictures taken by Rolf Conrads.

The catalogue

Male Youth Class

V1,           .        Blueberry Scozia's Wys Tabasko

Lux-Youth Ch.   V: Raglan Rising Generation

                M: Ch. Tamzin Black Coffee

                        Z: Jana Simberova, B: M.-C. Reggiani-Stufler (I)


V2                    Arnak du Clos des Dolls

                        V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

                        M: Una Girl de la Manade d'Ecosse

                        Z: C. Carrez, B: Yolande Ostyn (B)


V3                    Verity's Dont Worry

                V: Verity's Batman

                M: Verity's Zibeline

                        Z: A. Vermeiren, B: Wendy Peters-Witzand (NL)


V4                    Ashenberry Sparks Fly To Champernoune

                        V: Berrybreeze Illumination

                        M: Tickled Pink in Paris de Champernoune

                        Z: P. A. Hull B: Katharina Round + Gilbert Hue (F)


V                      Shamrock Little Angus of Conor's Clan

                        V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                        M: Ch. Downtown Zaragoza

                        Z+B: Sybille Gerlach (D)

Blueberry Scozia's Wys Tabasko
Luxembourg Youth Champion


Arnak du Clos des Dolls


Verity's Dont Worry


Ashenberry Sparks Fly To Champernoune


Shamrock Little Angus of Conor's Clan

Blueberry Scozia's Wys Tabasko,     Arnak du Clos des Dolls,      Verity's Dont Worry


Ashenberry Sparks Fly To Champernoune

Shamrock Little Angus of Conor's Clan

Male Champion Class

V1, CACL,          Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

CACIB              V: Ch. Raglan Rory

BR, BOB            M: Ch.Lucia's Dream Shocking Rumor

                        Z+B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


V2, R. CACL       Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

R. CACIB          V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z: M. Bichel, B: Helma van Wieringen (NL)


V3                    De Magic Illution Dali

                        V: Ch. Berrybreeze Georgie Boy of Micanda

                        M: Ch. De Magic Illusion Domino

                        Z: Serrano/Martinez, B: Serrano/Martinez (E) Kuhlmey (D)


V4                    Reglisse du Cottage de Brendamaray

                        V: James the Jacobean o.t. Tam-o’shanter Land

                        M: Ihana de Mulberrybush

                        Z: D. Dietrich, B: F + R. Le Pelletier (F)


V                      Tchelton of Glewnaljude

                        V: Raglan Roanoke

                        M: O'Hara of Black Adventure Story

                        Z: V. Bourrel B: Houpert-Ritter (F)

De Magic Illution Dali,    Lucia's Dream Scandalizer,   Reglisse du Cottage de Brendamaray,   Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer,   Tchelton of Glewnaljude


again in same order


Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

CACIB, BR, BOB and Luxembourg Champion

Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

De Magic Illution Dali


Reglisse du Cottage de Brendamaray


Tchelton of Glewnaljude

The placement: Lucia's Dream Scandalizer,   Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

Male Intermediate Class

V1, CACL           Vvidowmaker de Champernoune

                        V: Filisite Brash Egoist

                        M: Tiger Lilly de Champernoune

                        Z: K. Round, B: Katharina Round + Gilbert Hue (F)

Vvidowmaker de Champernoune

Male Open Class

V1, CACL           Perhaps Sex and the City

                V: Ch. Raglan Rory

                        M: Filisite Brash Amberly Cap-a-Pie Pe

                        Z: V.-P. Kumpumäkki, B: V. Popova (RUS)


V2, R. CACL       Ulk du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        V: Ch. Old Roger Rough dMdMG

                        M: Ch. Odamet dMdMG

                        Z: R. O'Connor, B: Solange Loget (F)


V3                    Brasil v. Brabant-Hof

                        V: Wodka van Brabant Hof

                        M: Indrajit v. Brabant-Hof

                        Z: W.M.J. Dortu, B: Charlotte Tonino (NL)


V4                    Upside-Down du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        V: Raspoutine de Montmayeur

                        M: Sans O'cun Problem dMdMG

                        Z: R. O'Connor, B: Radoslaw Wysocki (PL)


V                      Glammys Sandboy

                        V: Glammys Chapman

                        M: Seamraig Secret

                        Z: G. Duda, B: Sybille Gerlach (D)


V                      Sinequanone Until the End of the World

                        V: Only One Reason to Be de May Ware Pop

                        M: PS.. I Love You de Champernoune

                        Z+B: A. Lombard (F)


V                      Tobrouck de La Vallee d'Orion

                        V: Nelson of Miss Tara

                        M: Nimble de la Vallee D'Orion

                        Z+B: Anny Mincke (F)


V                      Uncey of Highlander Blackmount

                        V: Ch. Raglan Ranaoke

                        M: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Saucy Kit

                        Z.+B: Muriel Matel (F)

Brasil v. Brabant-Hof,     Glammys Sandboy,     Perhaps Sex and the City,     Sinequanone Until the End of the World,     Tobrouck de La Vallee d'Orion,     Ulk du Moulin de Mac Gregor,     Uncey of Highlander Blackmount,     Upside-Down du Moulin de Mac Gregor


Brasil v. Brabant-Hof

Glammys Sandboy

Perhaps Sex and the City

Sinequanone Until the End of the World

Sinequanone Until the End of the World,     Tobrouck de La Vallee d'Orion,     Ulk du Moulin de Mac Gregor,     Uncey of Highlander Blackmount,     Upside-Down du Moulin de Mac Gregor


Perhaps Sex and the City


Ulk du Moulin de Mac Gregor


Brasil v. Brabant-Hof


Upside-Down du Moulin de Mac Gregor


Glammys Sandboy


Sinequanone Until the End of the World


Tobrouck de La Vallee d'Orion


Uncey of Highlander Blackmount


Placing in open class:

Perhaps Sex and the City,   Ulk du Moulin de Mac Gregor,   Brasil v. Brabant-Hof,   Upside-Down du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Perhaps Sex and the City also gaines his Luxembourg Champion as he already won a CACL 2005.


The males CACIB and Res. CACIB both went into Champion class:

Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

Female Youth Class

V1,                   Filisite Brash Reflex Cinema

Lux-Youth Ch.  V: Perhaps Sex and the City

                M: Filisite Brash Shiny Patty

                        Z+B: V. Popova (RUS)


V2                    Scozia's Imagination

        V: Ch. Raglan Roslin Williams

                M: Ch. Tamzin Black Cherry

                        Z+ B: Maria-Carolina Reggiani-Stufler (I)


V3                    Lucia's Dream Serendipity

                        V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Swan Sans Peur

                        M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Shocking Rumor

                        Z.+B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


V4                    Regina Di Cuori Della Quattrocento

                        V: Ch. Raglan Roslin Williams

                        M: Gia Sofija Della Quattrocento

                        Z+ B: Radoslaw Wysocki (PL)


V                      Alpha Jet Micro Puce Della  Roccacia d.Modigliane

                        V: Ch. Reglisse du Cottage de Brendamoray

                        M: Philadelphia

                        Z+B: Raoul + Francoise Le Pelletier (F)


V                      Anastasia 1.Perle Rare Della Roccacia d.Modigliane

                        V: Ch. Reglisse du Cottage de Brendamoray

                        M: Philadelphia

                        Z+B: Raoul + Francoise Le Pelletier (F)


V                      Glammys Goldie Girl

                        V: Glammys Chapman

                        M: Glammys Gabbie

                        B: G. Eissing-Duda, B: Klaus Driesch (D)


V                      Newline Kilya

                        V: Ch. So What Excalibur

                        M: Ch. Newline Hesione

                        B: S. Aspergen, B: Viktoria Mireisz (H)

Alpha Jet Micro Puce Della  Roccacia d.Modigliane,     Filisite Brash Reflex Cinema,    Glammys Goldie Girl,     Lucia's Dream Serendipity,     Newline Kilya,     Regina Di Cuori Della Quattrocento,     Scozia's Imagination


Filisite Brash Reflex Cinema, Luxembourg Youth Champion


Scozia's Imagination

Lucia's Dream Serendipity


Regina Di Cuori Della Quattrocento


Alpha Jet Micro Puce Della  Roccacia d.Modigliane


Anastasia 1.Perle Rare Della Roccacia d.Modigliane


Glammys Goldie Girl


Newline Kilya


Female Champion Class

V1, CACL           Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

CACIB              V: From Dash Mountain Farm's Chuck

BH                    M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z+B: Maren Bichel (D)


V2, R. CACL        Perhaps Super Electric

                V: Balgair Russian Winter

                        M: Perhaps Strange Music de Champernoune

                        Z: V.-P. Kumpumäkki, B: V. Popova (RUS)


V3                    Tweedle Dee-Dee de Champernoune

                V: Radiant Apogee de Champernoune

                        M: Obviously a Witch de Champernoune

                        Z: C. Round B: Jean-Yves Delpont (F)


V4                    Unchained Melody of Highlander Blackmount

                        V: Ch. Raglan Ranaoke

                        M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Saucy Kit

                        Z+B: M. Matel (F)


V                      Tyrannic Un Peu Trop

                        V: Ch. Tyrannic Mad About Girls

                        M: Ch. Oseille von Kleiner Stein

                        Z+B: R. Mathian (F)


V                      PS...I Love You de Champernoune

                        V: Torcraig Tabloid

                        M: Not For Your Eyes Only de Champernoune

                        Z: K. Round, B: A. Lombard + K. Round (F)

Perhaps Super Electric

Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

Tweedle Dee-Dee de Champernoune

Tyrannic Un Peu Trop

Unchained Melody of Highlander Blackmount

PS...I Love You de Champernoune

Perhaps Super Electric,   Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie,   Tweedle Dee-Dee de Champernoune,   Tyrannic Un Peu Trop


Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

CACIB, best female and Luxembourg Champion

Perhaps Super Electric

Tweedle Dee-Dee de Champernoune


Unchained Melody of Highlander Blackmount


Tyrannic Un Peu Trop


PS...I Love You de Champernoune


The ranking:    Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie,     Perhaps Super Electric, ...



Tweedle Dee-Dee de Champernoune, 

Unchained Melody of Highlander Blackmount

Female Intermediate Class

V1, CACL           Penjetta's Unlimited Edition at Champernoune

                        V: Ch. Mayson Limited Edition

                        M: Lucia's Dream Stir Me Up

                        Z: P. Healey B: Katharina Round + Gilbert Hue (F)


V2, R. CACL        Arabella's Eternal Flame

        V: Ch. Charthill Pirate's Gold

                        M: Arabella's Vanilla

                        Z+B: Martina Kuhlmey (D)

Penjetta's Unlimited Edition at Champernoune


Arabella's Eternal Flame


Penjetta's Unlimited Edition at Champernoune,     Arabella's Eternal Flame

Female Open  Class

V1, CACL             Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession

R. CACIB          V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm' Merlin

        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

        Z+B: Maren Bichel (D)


V2, R.CACL         Tosca du Moulin de Fertevault

                V: Quartz van Brabant-Hof

                        M: Torcraig Tudor

                        Z+B: Briand (F)


V3                    Scotguard Feliz Navidad

                        V: Ch. Arabella's Zabadak

                        M: Bagpiper Butterscotch

                        Z: C. Muschket, B: M. Kuhlmey + C. Muschket (D)


V4                    U’Aicha du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        V: Ch. Tyrannic Mad About Girls

                        M: Sweety dMdMG

                        Z: R. O’Connor, B: R. Mathian (F)


V                      Downtown Bayenne

                        V: Ch. Stalwart's Radiant Torque

        M: Downtown Xtra Applause

                        Z: B. Bruweleit, B: Klaus Driesch (D)


V                      Vanina de la Vallee d'Orion

                        V: Ch. Rglan Roanoke

                        M: Omega de la Roche Ocree

                        Z+B: Anny Mincke (F)


Sg                    Sinequanone Uguette

                        V: Ch. Theo du Domaine de Montrose

                        M: Sinequanone Superflu

                        Z: A. Lombard, B: Anne Lombard + Armande Giraud (F)

Downtown Bayenne,   Scotguard Feliz Navidad,   Sinequanone Uguette,   Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession,   Tosca du Moulin de Fertevault,   U’Aicha du Moulin de Mac Gregor,   Vanina de la Vallee d'Orion


Downtown Bayenne,   Scotguard Feliz Navidad,   Sinequanone Uguette,   Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession,   Tosca du Moulin de Fertevault


Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession

As Olivia already gained another CACL 2005, she also completed her Luxembourg Champion title.

Tosca du Moulin de Fertevault
Scotguard Feliz Navidad


U’Aicha du Moulin de Mac Gregor


Downtown Bayenne


Vanina de la Vallee d'Orion


Sinequanone Uguette


The female class winners in competition for CACIB:

Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie,   Penjetta's Unlimited Edition at Champernoune,   Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession


Again in same order


Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie, CACIB.

The Reserve went to Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession

For best female the youth class winner Filisite Brash Reflex Cinema (left)  joins the ring.


Best of breed:

Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

Best female:

Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

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