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International dog show with CAC in Leuven (B), 04.08.2007 

Entered Scotties:   13, missing 4

Judge:                     D. Witkowska (PL)


Mrs. Witkowska, the very friendly judge from Poland.
During the show we had a special family meeting. We met the Scottie breeders Raoul and Francoise le Pelletier (Della Roccacia di Modigliana) from Metz in France.  They brought 2 young males from the litter of their bitch Unica du Cottage de Brendamoray and Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer.

Even if the communication is always a bit difficult (many thanks to Martial Muller for the translation), we had a lot of fun  and we were really happy to see Mortimers sons developing nicely. Needless to say that we (Helma van Wieringen as the owner of Mortimer and me as his breeder) are very proud.



Male Youth Class

V1                    Lucia’s Dream Shamrock

                        V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Storm Warning

                        M: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Strawberry Blonde

                        Z: B. Smit-Kamerbeek B: Monique Brogniez-Byl (B)


V2                    Biscuit of Moonrise

                        V: Jam-Boory du Moulin de McMonique

                        M: Young’s Dvil Imazs

                        Z: P. E. Tamé, B: Dirk + Nancy Bulinckx-Brans (B)


absent              Arabella’s New Edition

                        V: Ch. Arabella’s Zabadak

                        M: Ch. Charthill Valentine

                        Z: M. Kuhlmey, B: Peggy Happe (B)


left: Biscuit of Moonrise

right: Lucia’s Dream Shamrock


Male Open Class

absent               Arnak du Clos des Dolls

                V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Scandalizer

                        M: Una Girl de la Manade D’Ecosse

                        Z: C. Carrez, B: Yolande Ostyn (B)


Male Champion Class

V1, CAC            Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

BOB                  V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

BIG                  M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z: M. Bichel, B: Helma van Wieringen (NL)


Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer


Female out of competition (visitors dog)

absent              Rykiel von kleiner Stein

                V: Murphy von kleiner Stein

                        M: Joy de le Roche Ocrée

                        Z: M. Tripier-Champ, B: Martial Muller (D)


Female Puppy Class

VV1                  Flanelle de la Gadale

                            V: Theo du Domaine de Montrose

                        M: Belipro’s Chablis

                        Z: Y. Ostyn, B: Stéphanie Mathieu (B)


Flanelle de la Gadale


Female Youth Class

Sg1                   Woodstone’s Precious Female

                         V: Wind of Fortune Play it Again Sam

                        M: Bilitys of Black Vahiné

                        Z+B: Dirk + Nancy Bulinckx-Brans (B)


absent              Brooke Lynn du Clos des Dolls

                V: Pokerface-Junior du Clos des Dolls

                        M: Una Girl de la Manade D’Ecosse

                        Z: C. Carrez, B: Peggy Happe (B)



Woodstone’s Precious Female


Female Intermediate Class

V1, CAC            Bella Rossa Julie la Rousse Della Roccacia di Modigliana

                            V: Ch. Never Ending Story du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        M: Unica du Cottage de Brendamoray

                        Z+B: Raoul + Francoise Le Pelletier (F)


V2                    Belphegora la Rousse Della Roccacia di Modigliana

                            V: Ch. Never Ending Story du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        M: Unica du Cottage de Brendamoray

                        Z: R.+F. Le Pelletier, B: Martial Muller (D)


Bella Rossa Julie la Rousse Della Roccacia di Modigliana
Belphegora la Rousse Della Roccacia di Modigliana


Female Open  Class

V1                    Anastasia la Perle Rare Della Roccacia di Modigliana

                        V: Ch. Reglisse du Cottage de Brendamoray

                        M: Philadelphia

                        Z+B: Raoul + Francoise Le Pelletier (F)


Anastasia la Perle Rare Della Roccacia di Modigliana


Female Champion Class

V1, R. CAC         Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

                         V: From Dash Mountain Farm's Chuck

                         M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z+B: Maren Bichel (D)


Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie




Competition for best of breed:
Lucia’s Dream Shamrock,  
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer,   Bella Rossa Julie la Rousse Della Roccacia di Modigliana
left: Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer, best of breed

right: Bella Rossa Julie la Rousse Della Roccacia di Modigliana, best female

In the main ring
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer also won the Terrier group. Again judge was Mrs. Witkowska.


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