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"Scottish Terrier Förderverein im KFT e. V."
Scottish Terrier Association in the German Terrier Club

2nd. Scottie Weekend in Battenberg, 25. + 26.07.2009


The Fun Day
After the big success in Königswinter last year, the Scottish Terrier Association organised the 2nd. Scottish Terrier weekend in Battenberg. This is a small village in the "Sauerland", a very nice landscape in West Germany.

The venue has a rustic hall and is surrounded by a huge grassland, ideal for the fun cometitions.

Most of the preparatory work was done by our breed representative, Dr. Hans-Peter Clieves.  He organised the complete Fun Day, obtaining most of the equipment for the Fun- and Agility cours, and, and, and. The whole event had to be coordinated.

We started on Saturday morning: Less than 10 people managed to prepare the hall and the courses outside.

And then all the Scotties arrived. This time there were participates from different countries: Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and even visitors from Norway. Our judge Cindy Cooke from USA completed the picture.

The Agenda:
Fun course, Agility, Scottie flea market, Trimming demonstration, Scottie race, dinner,  Breed lecture.

2. Scottie Special Open Show (Judge: Cindy Cooke, USA)

Nicole Meissner and Petra Detemple already arrived Friday evening with their caravan. They spent the whole weekend next to the hall together with their 5 Scotties.

During the weekend several campers accompanied them.

Kick-off on Saturday morning.

Our breed representativ, Dr. Hans-Peter Clieves welcomed the participants and Cindy Cooke, who enjoyed to be an active part of the Fun Day.

I donated some sparkling wine, like last year.

Then everybody moved to the Agility parcour.

Otto Lott and his bitch Ch. Magnico Cimberley showd, how much fun Scotties can have with this sport.

Soon after the demonstration nearly everybody wanted to try it himself.

Otto Lott had to work hard to help and assist the - more or less - enthusiastic Scotties and their owners with their first Agility training.

The next queue was built in front of the Fun course.

Here the Scotties had to solve tasks. Sometimes they had to combine themselves, sometimes the just had to trust their 2-legged partner.

In the hall there was a Scottie flea market built up for the whole weekend. Many Scottie enthusiasts offered things they did not need anymore. There were quite some rarities inbetween.

Later in the afternoon Cindy Cooke held a trimming demonstration. She showed the typical trimming in "American Style".

Especially for breeders and exhibitors it was highly interesting to see the differences to our usual style.

Cindy Cooke showed that you can get a good result with different techniques and tools. In the end it is most important that the trimmer knows what he is doing. The style just is "a matter of taste".

Also the so called "Happy Feet" were demonstrated. These are small stilts that are fixed on a magnetic plate. The Scottie has to balance himself on the stilts.

The stilts should help to tidy up the paws easily. But - at least - in America they are also used to train the correct show position. Among the audience there was a controversal discussion, whether the name "Happy Feet" could be true.

As this is my private site, I may give my personal opinion: I love to see a Scottie showing naturally, i. e. he presents himself "square" because off his anatomy and his character, typical for our breed! Having seen this stilts, I am not that sure anymore, if some dogs in the International show scene were not just trained with this or similar tools to hold their "perfect position" for a long time.

After the trimming demonstration it was time for action again: The Scottie race!

In the forefront I actually was against this event. I am not a friend of the discipline where the dogs try to hunt behind a rabbit skin. On our daily tours through forrest and field my dogs should have fun, of course. But it is stressing for everybody when they lost control, hunting tracks of the wild animals living around us. For me it does not make any sence to train our family dogs on wild tracks.

But it this case I revise my original position: This Scottie race was a GIANT FUN for all dogs and their owners. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of this because in the end I participated with Q and Ruby. :-) Some pictures can be found on the website of the Scottish Terrier Association, click on button "Scottie Weekend".

The dogs had to run a short distance of app. 30 to 40 meters and it was in the creativity of the owners to get their Scotties to high speed. Everything was allowed: To spur on from start- or finish line, to place friend or enemy at the finish line, to run with the dog, to run in front of the dog, to let the dog run alone or in pairs. Each participate had two runs.

In the end everybody was infected. Also those that originally just wanted to watch this spectacle - as myself. Finally Q not really interested in reaching the finish line as quick as possible. He prefered the lovely smelling grass. At least Ruby had great fun, running together with her sister Reggae. In the end Ruby was within the top 5.


Then we were back in the hall. The evening programm started with a rich dinner.

Afterwards the fun days winner were announced. The trophies were donated from my fund.

On the photo on the right the Fun Course Winner: Jerrymor Nora (B: Gabriele Abel, O: Claudia Eickelmann).

The first day closed with a breed lecture, held by Cindy Cooke.  She compared the developement of the Scottish Terrier breed in England and America on the basic of the different standards.

Der Show Tag

On Sunday the Scottish Terrier Associations 2nd. Scottie Special took place.

We belong to the KFT (German Terrier Club) and unfortunately our mother club does not support any shows where only one breed is shown. Therefor we had to hold this show as "Open Show"  (= without CAC).

Our judge this year was Mrs. Cindy Cooke from America. Together with Mrs. Miriam "Buffy" Stamm she breeds the worldwide known Anstamm Scottish Terriers.

42 Scotties were entered.  This was again the highest entry for Scotties of all shows in Germany this year. In 2008 the first Scottie weekend in Königswinter also had the biggest entry.

There were some nice little prices donated for all participants. Every class winner got little red rosetts and additionally there were specially signed prints by Marion Needham Krupp (USA) for the specialty winners.



The Results:


Male Baby Class

VV1                  Dalmor Care Free

Best Baby         V: Scotch Spirit von Tinsdal

                        M: Dalmor Viva Virginia

                        Z+B: Margot Spiess (CH)


Male Puppy Class

VV1                  Erol’s Dream Master of Scot

                        V: Berrybreeze Rock the World

                        M: Ch. Erol’s Dream Herminya

                        Z: L. + T. Schmidt, B: B. Kührt-Scheller (D)


Erol’s Dream Master of Scot


Male Junior Class

V1                    Quicksilvers Special Agent R.

Best Junior           V: Ch. Raglan Royal Mayor

                            M: Ch. Quicksilvers Obsession

                        Z: E. + J. Stephan, B: M. Kludaß + A. Böhm (D)


absent                  Glammys Smokie

                                V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                            M: Aldente Lilly of Bock’s Clan

                        Z+B: Gabi Eissing-Duda (D)


Quicksilvers Special Agent R.


Male Intermediate Class

Sg1                   Ulysse des Pinfols

                        V: Dalmor Van Gogh

                        M: Ch. Dalmor Tonic Water

                        Z+B: M. Schaller (CH)


Sg2                   Jerrymor Nathan

                        V: Ch. Jerrymor Claudio

                        M: Ch. Jerrymor Eboli

                        Z+B: Gabriele Abel (D)


Male Open Class

V1                    Rose’s Crackerjack

Winner             V: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Magical Mascot

Best Opposite   M: Loretta of Invisible Touch

Sex                    Z: H. Vehreschild, B: Hannelore Wilhelm-Krischke (D)


V2                    Lucia's Dream Stevie Wonderful

                        V: Ch. Etequette Extra Hot n’ Spicy

                        M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Storm in a Teacup

                        Z+ B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


V3                    Sir Darnley’s Ragtime Rookie

                            V: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                                M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Orla Online Oasis

                                Z: M. Bichel, B:Hannelore Wilhelm-Krischke (D)


Sg4                   Traugott vom Bassettenhof

                V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                         M: Ch. Berta vom Bassettenhof

                           Z: Ch. Berger, B: M. Flori (D)


Lucia's Dream Stevie Wonderful

Rose’s Crackerjack

Sir Darnley’s Ragtime Rookie

Rose’s Crackerjack

Lucia's Dream Stevie Wonderful

Sir Darnley’s Ragtime Rookie

The ranking:
Rose’s Crackerjack
Lucia's Dream Stevie Wonderful Sir Darnley’s Ragtime Rookie,  Traugott vom Bassettenhof


Male Champion Class

V1                    Lucia's Dream Scotch on the Rocks

                        V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

                        M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Stirling

                        Z+ B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


V2                    Sir Darnley’s Qubic Q

                         V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Scandalizer

                         M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Olivia Offbeat Obsession

                            Z+B: Maren Bichel (D)


Lucia's Dream Scotch on the Rocks
Lucia's Dream Scotch on the Rocks

Sir Darnley’s Qubic Q


Male Newcomer Class

Sg1                   Glammys Spencer

                                V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                            M: Aldente Lilly of Bock’s Clan

                        Z: G. Eissing-Duda, B: H. Grebe-Kusnierz (D)


Sg2                   Deacon Brodie’s Who Rocks?

V: Ch. Kintyre Who Cares?

                            M: Ch. Downtown Whitney Houston

                           Z: M. Riedl, B: A. + W. Keller (D)


Female Newcomer Class 1

Sg1                   Rose’s Daughter of Magic

                         V: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Magical Mascot

                         M: Loretta of Invisible Touch

                           Z: H. Vehreschild, B: E. Becker (D)


Sg2                   Downtown Mamasita

                                V: Ch. Blue Lake Allegro

                                M: Ch. Downtown Bahama

                        Z: B. Bruweleit, B: Petra Engel (D)


Female Newcomer Class 2

V1                    It’s My Life of Salt and Pepper

Best                    V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Sundance Kid

Newcomer         M: Downtown Lady of Salt and Pepper

                           Z: S. Glück, B: Nicole Meissner + Horst Reifert (D)


Sg2                   Glammys Toffee

                                V: Glammys Mc Intyre

                                M: Glammys Total Egal

                        Z: G. Eissing-Duda, B: Petra Detemple (D)


left: It’s My Life of Salt and Pepper

right: Glammys Toffee


Female Baby Class

VV1                  Dalmor Clooney Georgia

                        V: Scotch Spirit von Tinsdal

                        M: Dalmor Viva Virginia

                        Z: M. Spiess, B: M. Schaller (CH)


Verspr.2            Gulabin’s Graceful Gracee

                        V: James

                        M: Gulabin’s Miss Elly

                        Z: M. Roos-Otten, B: Petra Schmale (D)


Female Puppy Class

VV1                  Sir Darnley’s Talisker Taste

Best Puppy           V: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                                M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Orla Online Oasis

                                Z: M. Bichel, B: Rainer Schnock + Maren Bichel (D)


VV2                  Erol’s Dream Meredith

                        V: Berrybreeze Rock the World

                        M: Ch. Erol’s Dream Herminya

                        Z+B: L. + T. Schmidt (D)


VV3                  Sir Darnley’s Tartan Truffle

                            V: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                                M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Orla Online Oasis

                                Z: M. Bichel, B: Martine + Tom Diederich (B)


Erol’s Dream Meredith,  Sir Darnley’s Talisker Taste
Sir Darnley’s Tartan Truffle
Cindy Cooke wants to see the girls play.

Sir Darnley’s Talisker Taste

Sir Darnley’s Tartan Truffle


Female Veteran Class

V1                    Ch. Jerrymor Wera Scheloga

Best Veteran       V: Ch. Stalwart’s Radiant Seraphim

                            M: Ch. So What Brisen

                        Z+B: Gabriele Abel (D)


Female Junior Class

V1                    Quicksilvers Seaclaid Hazelnut

                                   V: Ch. Raglan Royal Mayor

                            M: Ch. Quicksilvers Obsession

                        Z+B: Elke + Jörg Stephan (D)


V2                    Dalmor Zara Leander

                        V: Dalmor Paper Moon

                        M: Dalmor Kimberley Sunshine Spot

                        Z+B: Margot Spiess (CH)


Sg3                   Blind Date of Wild Briar

                        V: Ch. Arabella’s Zabadak

                        M: Unitty Euri-Escot

                        Z+B: Karin Wojke (D)


Sg4                   Rigoletto’s Lilith

                        V: Ch. Jerrymor Claudio

                            M: Ch. Rigoletto’s Dreamnight Magic

                        Z+B: Martina Schwarz (D)


Female Intermediate Class

V1                    Erol’s Dream Ferrari

                        V: Ch. Arabella’s Zabadak

                        M: Erol’s Dream Momo

                        Z+B: Lore + Thomas Schmidt (D)


V2                    Schicky-Micky’s Joy Fleming

                        V: Scotguard I’m your Mate

                        M: Downtown Nugget

                        Z: H. + E. Hachenthal, B: Marlies Staudte (D)


V3                    Rigoletto’s Kismet

                            V: Colin Bitt Box

                            M: Glencadam Scrato

                        Z+B: Martina Schwarz (D)


V4                    Erol’s Dream Fiola

                        V: Ch. Arabella’s Zabadak

                        M: Erol’s Dream Momo

                        Z: L. + T. Schmidt, B: Carolina Wilken (D)


Female Open Class

V1                    Sir Darnley’s Rhythm Reggae

                         V: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                                M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Orla Online Oasis

                             Z: M. Bichel, B: Nicole Meissner + Horst Reifert (D)


V2                    Vanity Fair of Wild Briar

                        V: Ch. Stalwart’s Lightening Strikes

                        M: Shakira of Wild Briar

                        Z+B: Karin Wojke (D)


V3                    Miss Sunshine Della Quattrocento

                           V: Ch. Upside Down du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        M: Gia Sofija Della Quattrocento

                        Z: R. Wysocki, B: E. Zawadski + D. Kubisz (D)


V4                    Dalmor Viva Virginia

                        V: Ch. Stuane Lock Smith

                        M: Dalmor One Way Wind Ashley

                        Z+B: Margot Spiess (CH)


V                      Sir Darnley's Portia Powderkeg

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

                        Z: M. Bichel, B: Petra Detemple (D)


Dalmor Viva Virginia Miss Sunshine Della Quattrocento,  Sir Darnley's Portia Powderkeg Sir Darnley’s Rhythm Reggae, 
Vanity Fair of Wild Briar

Sir Darnley’s Rhythm Reggae

Vanity Fair of Wild Briar
Sir Darnley’s Rhythm Reggae,  Vanity Fair of Wild Briar


Female Champion Class

V1                    Erol’s Dream Herminya

Winner             V: Ch. Lucky Star’s Man in Black

                                M: Erol’s Dream Mady

                        Z+B: Lore + Thomas Schmidt (D)


V2                    Sir Darnley’s Rambling Ruby

                         V: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                                M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Orla Online Oasis

                             Z+B: Maren Bichel (D)


V3                    Magnico Cimberley

                        V: Ch. Angus Magnico

                        M: Glendullan Scrato

                        Z+B: Otto Lott (D)


V4                    Jerrymor Ines

                        V: Ch. Jerrymor Claudio

                        M: Ch. TKO All That and More

                        Z+B: Gabriele Abel (D)


Erol’s Dream Herminya

Sir Darnley’s Rambling Ruby
Erol’s Dream Herminya,  Sir Darnley’s Rambling Ruby


Female Honour Class

V1                    Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup

Best Female,     V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

Best in                 M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Stirling

Show               Z+ B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


V2                    Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

                         V: From Dash Mountain Farm's Chuck

                                M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z+B: Maren Bichel (D)


Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie


The Finals:


Unfortunately I don't have suitable photos from all decisions.

Best Newcomer:
It’s My Life of Salt and Pepper


Glammys Spencer

Best Puppy:
Sir Darnley’s Talisker Taste

Erol’s Dream Master of Scot

Best Junior:
Quicksilvers Special Agent R.


Quicksilvers Seaclaid Hazelnut

Male Winner (comparable with CAC):
Rose’s Crackerjack

Lucia's Dream Scotch on the Rocks

FemaleWinner  (comparable with CAC):
Erol’s Dream Herminya

Sir Darnley's Rhythm Reggae, respectively Erol's Dream Ferrari

Competition for Best in Show:
Quicksilvers Special Agent R.,
Rose’s Crackerjack Quicksilvers Seaclaid Hazelnut ,  Erol’s Dream Herminya,  Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup
BOB and Best in Show:
Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup

Best Opposite Sex:
Rose’s Crackerjack

Best Couple was won by the "Rigoletto's" and Martina Schwarz.

Best Breeding Group went to the black group of the "Sir Darnley's".

Best 3-Generations Group was won by the "Quicksilver's" from Elke and Jörg Stephan.


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