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International show Luxembourg, 28.04.2004 

Entered Scotties:         64, 5 missing

Judge:                       Mr. Rui Oliveira, Portugal


Male Youth Class

V1,                   Ashgate Three Penny Moon

Lux-Jgd. Ch.     V: Brueik Man in the Moon

                        M: Lomondview Half Six Pence

                        Z: S. Thomson, B: G.M. van Stuivenberg-Bulters

l: Ashgate Three Penny Moon, r: Lucia's Dream Swan Sans Peur

V2                    Lucia’s Dream Swan Sans Peur

                        V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Shockproof

M: Lucia’s Dream Sunflower

Z+B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek


V3                    Clevedon van Brabant Hof

                        V: Ravnegards Ben Nevis

                        M: Indrajit van Brabant Hof

                        Z: W.M.J. Dortu, B: Charlotte Tonino


V4                    Arabella’s Crocodile Rock

                        V: Smithart’s Comet from Stalwart

                        M: Ch. Arabella’s Que Sera

                        Z+B: Martina Kuhlmey


V                      Charthill Victory Cheer

                        V: Charthill Victory Flight

                        M: Ch. XTC Excitement

                        Z: C. Hill, B: C. Hill + M. Reuter


V                      Sir Darnley’s Noble Nicolson

                        V: From Dash Mountain Farm’s Chuck

                        M:  Ch. Sir Darnley’s Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z: M. Bichel, B: Helma van Wieringen


V                      Uncey of Highlander Blackmount

                        V: Ch. Raglan Ranaoke

                        M: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Saucy Kit

                        Z.+B: Muriel Matel


V                      Verascott Urban Sea

                        V: Ch. Never Ending Story dMdMG

                        M: Ch. Verascott Power of Love

                        Z: C. Hovagimyan, B: Marie-Line Courant


V                      Wind of Fortune Play it Again Sam

                        V: Mischief Maker de Champernoune

                        M: Wind of Fortune Full Dar Handsome …

                        Z+B: M. Mermans


Male Champion Class

V1, CAC, CACIB  Ubu Wys Tabasko

Lux. Ch.            V: Ch. Feregait Dirty Harry

BR                    M: Ch. Andromeda Novisline

                        Z: Simberova, B: M.-C. Reggiani-Stufler

Ubu Wys Tabasko

V2, R. CACL        From Dash Mountain Farm’s Merlin

                        V: Black Baronet of Pendlehill

                        M: Gulabin’s Victorians Vamp Nikky

                        Z: G.M. van Stuivenberg-Butters, B: Ute Luig

f.l.t.r.: Ubu Wys Tabasko, From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin, Scottish Tauer Forenheit

V3                    Scottish Tauer Forenheit

                        V: Raijaj West Side Story

                        M: Scottish Tauer J’Ai Osé

                        Z: Leonova, B: K. Kral


V4                    Beinn Bheagh’s Archimedes

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm’s Merlin

                        M: Ch. Beinn Bhreagh’s Vickigirl

                        Z: S. Vanderborght, B: Ute Luig

l: Beinn Bheagh's Archimedes, r: Verascott Passing Shot (V5)

V 5                    Verascott Passing Shot

                        V: Ch. Exel’Scott Mistral Gagnant

                        M: Ch. Lune de Miel dMdMG

                        Z+B: C. Hovagimyan


V                      Atze vom Bassettenhof

                        V: Boy Blue of Lomondview

                        M: Ch. Nanna vom Ossiland

                        Z+B: Christina Berger


V                      Henry of Salt and Pepper

                        V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Sundance Kid

                        M: Downtown Ukulele

                        Z: S. Glück, B: Roos + Koelewijn

Male  Champion Class


V                      Mafioso Anstamm’s Shocker

                        V: Ch. Anstamm Aftershock

                        M: Anstamm Animation

                        Z+B: C. Aldinger + H. P. Clieves


V                      Stalwarts Radiant Torque

                        V: Greatbear Radiance at Stalwart

                        M: Stalwarts Spread the World

                        Z: S. Scott, B: Bärbel Bruweleit


Male Intermediate Class

V1, CACL           Dundee Obliging Walker

                        V: Here’s Wallace of Kennelgarth

                        M: Dundee Jewel Case

                        Z: C. Hüttner, B: Goaoc-Gourmelon


V2, R. CACL        Verity’s Bull

                        V: Ch. Verity’s Xpert

                        M: Verity’s Tapaloeil

                        Z+B: A. Vermeiren


V3                    Charthill Pirate’s Gold

                        V: Ch. Jovial’s Eastman at Charthill

                        M: Ch. Charity Rith of Charthill

                        Z: S. Slusarczyk, B: M. Kuhlmey + C. Hill


Male Open Class

V1, CACL,         Tea Pot du Moulin de Fertevault

Res. CACIB         V: Quartz v. Brabant-Hof

                        M: Torcraig Tudor

                        Z: N. Briand, B: P. Hillion

Tea Pot du Moulin de Fertevault

V2, R. CACL        Misting’s Nonstop

                        V: Ch. Quaint Goodwill

                        M: Raglan Round of Applause

                        Z: T. Tuula, B: R. Kazimierz

Misting’s Nonstop

V3                    Lucia’s Dream Smashing Pumpkin

                        V: Stalwart’s Radiant Seraphim

                        M: Lucia’s Dream Sun Spot

                        Z+B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek


Lucia’s Dream Smashing Pumpkin

V4                    Théo du Domaine de Montrose

                        V: Raglan Roanoke

                        M: Ola my Lover du Clos des Dolls

                        Z+B: P. Quechon


Théo du Domaine de Montrose

V                      Reglisse du Cottage de Brendamaray

                        V: James the Jacobean o.t. Tam-o’shanter Land

                        M: Ihana Demulberry

                        Z: D. Dietrich, B: F + R. Le Pelletier


V                      Sir Darnley’s Mylord Mortimer

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm’s Merlin

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z: M. Bichel, B: Helma van Wieringen


V                      Wind of Fortune King of Oat and Wheaten

                        V: Stuane Dutch Gold

                        M: Wind of Fortune Charity

                        Z+B: M. Mermans


V                      Wodka van Brabant Hof

                        V: Danskots Dollars

                        M: Ivette van Brabant Hof

                        Z: W.M.J. Dortu, B: Ch. Tonino


Female Puppy Class

VV1                  United Colours du Moulin de Mac Gregor

Best Puppy in    V: Ch. Old Roger Rough dMdMG

Show                M: Ch. Occhiata du Relai

                        Z+B: Ruth O’Connor


VV2                  Une Perle Rare du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        V: TNT dMdMG

                        M: Oublier dMdMG

                        Z: R. O’Connor, M. Elodie


Female Youth Class

V1                    Sir Darnley’s Nosy Nellie

Lux-Jgd. Ch.   V: From Dash Mountain Farm’s Chuck

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z+B: Maren Bichel

Sir Darnley’s Nosy Nellie

V2                    Pointchester Electric Sunset

                        V: Ch. So What Excalibur

                        M: Pointchester Valkyrie Sails

                        Z+B: H. Hunter-Brunková

Pointchester Electric Sunset

V3                    U’Aicha du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        V: Ch. Tyrannic Mad About Girls

                        M: Sweety dMdMG

                        Z: R. O’Connor, B: R. Mathian

U’Aicha du Moulin de Mac Gregor

V4                    Tyrannic Un Peu Trop

                        V: Ch. Tyrannic Mad About Girls

                        M: Ch. Oseille von Kleiner Stein

                        Z+B: R. Mathian

Tyrannic Un Peu Trop

V                      Mafioso Nöle

                        V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Shockproof

                        M: Mafioso Little Jay

                        Z+B: C. Aldinger + H. P. Clieves


V                      Unchained Melody of Highlander Blackmount

                        V: Ch. Raglan Ranaoke

                        M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Saucy Kit

                        Z+B: M. Matel


V                      Unica du Cottage de Brendamoray

                        V: James de Jacobean

                        M: Ornella du Cottage de Brendamoray

                        Z: D. Dietrich, B: R. + F. Le Pelletier


V                      Vendi Wys-Tabasko

                        V: Feregait Dirty Harry

                        M: Andromeda Novistine

                        Z: J. Simerova, B: J. Simberova + S. Strizova


Female Champion Class

V1, CACL           Lucia’s Dream Strawberry Blonde

R. CACIB          V: Ch. Stalwart’s Radiant Seraphin

                        M: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Sun-Bonnet

                        Z+B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek

Lucia’s Dream Strawberry Blonde

V2, R. CACL       Berta vom Bassettenhof

                        V: Ch. Atze vom Bassettenhof

                        M: Ch. Wiba vom Ossiland

                        Z.+B: C. Berger


V3                    Rantin Reiver’s Magnificent Jeanie

                        V: Ch. Wiljoy Saracen

                        M: Pendlehill Anabelle

                        Z+B: C. C. E. Thomas


V4                    Scottish Tauer Organza

                        V: Raglan Royal Artist

                        M: Marland Nina Ricci

                        Z.+B: N. Leonova


V                      Glenheath Galtonia

                        V: Glenheath Tribune

                        M: Bonnieanne fleur of Glenheath

                        Z: S. Baker, B: Ilona Erfurt


V                      Scotguard Alice

                        V: Ch. Raglan Ringmaster

                        M: Ch. Arabella’s Quibble

                        Z+B: Claudia Muschket


Female Intermediate Class

V1 CACL            Tradidera du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        V: Raglan Ronald Mac Donald

                        M: M’Atout Chien dMdMG

                        Z: R. O’Connor, B: Christian Klein


V2, R. CACL        Tweedle Dee-Dee de Champernoune

                        V: Radiant Apogee de Champernoune

                        M: Obviously a Witch de Champernoune

                        Z: K. Round, B: Esparciwux + Delpont


V3                    Verity’s Bergerette

                        V: Ch. Verity’s Xpert

                        M: Perity’s Tapaloeil

                        Z+B: Annick Vermeiren


V4                    Charthill Valentine

                        V: Ch. Dunedin Charthill Massenger

                        M: Ch. Eroglen’s Isadoranble

                        Z: S. Ero, B: Martina Kuhlmey + Charla Hill


V                      Celtic Cinderella vom Schwarzen Joker

                        V: Beinn Bhreag's Archimedes

                        M: Xavena vom Schwarzen Joker

                        Z: I. Erfurt, B: Renate Schluck


V                      Highland Glories Bonnieblue

                        V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Skinflint

                        M: Pendlehill Alice

                        Z: N. Hendrickx-Lauwers, B: M. + T. Diederich


V                      Scozias Heatherbell

                        V: Balgair Springtime Blues

                        M: Tamzin Black Coffee

                        Z: M. Geggiani, B: J. Simberova + S. Strizova


Female Open Class

V1, CACL,          Scozia’s Hot Coffee

CACIB,             V: Balgair Springtime Blues

BH, BOB           M: Ch. Tamzin Black Coffee

                        Z+B: Maria-Carolin Reggiani-Stufner

l: Scozia’s Hot Coffee

r: Sir Darnley’s Kiss-Curl Kylie

V2, R.CACL         Sir Darnley’s Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        V: Ch. Raglan Ringmaster

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley’s Gretna Green

                        Z+B: Maren Bichel


V3                    Rough Diamond du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        V: Ch. Old Roger Rough dMdMG

                        M: Louisiane dMdMG

                        Z+B: R. O’Connor


l:Rough Diamond du Moulin de Mac Gregor

r: Sunrise Surprise du Moulin de Mac Gregor

V4                    Sunrise Surprise du Moulin de Mac Gregor

                        V: Raspoutine de Montmayeur

                        M: Numéro Cinq dMdMG

                        Z: R. O’Connor, B: Elodie Marmont


V                      Arabella’s Zulu

                        V: Ch. Quaint Goodwill

                        M: Rich of Honour Kiss me Kate

                        Z: M. Kuhlmey, B: E. Stephan


V                      Philadelphia

                        V: Leopold

                        M: Nassia des Chardons de St André

                        Z: R. le Pelletier, B: Francoise le Pelletier


V                      Taboo Too Two du Moulin de MacGregor

                        V: Mackintosh dMdMG

                        M: Offre Spéciale dMdMG

                        Z: R. O'Connor, B: Nadine Fornasieri

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