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Terrier show OG Mannheim-Ludwigshafen 01.05.2004

entered Scotties: 20, missing 3

Judge: Herr Walter Berghäuser (D)


Male Youth Class

V1, Jgd. CAC        Arabella's Calimero

                        V: Smithart's Komet from Stalwart

                        M: Ch. Arabella's Que Sera

                        Z: M. Kuhlmey, B: Petra Hofmann + Kurt Pfeifer


Arabella's Calimero

V2, R. J. CAC        Conaire v. d. Eichelwiesen

                        V: Ch. Beinn Bhreagh's Archimedes

                        M: Aiba vom Bassettenhof

                        Z. + B: I. Huber u. P. Schorr

Conaire v. d. Eichelwiesen


Male Champion Class

V1                    Mafioso Anstamm’s Shocker

                V: Ch. Anstamm Aftershock

                        M: Anstamm Animation

                        Z+B: C. Aldinger + H. P. Clieves


Male Open Class

V1, CAC             Sir Darnley's Magical Mascot

BR, BOB           V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm' Merlin

        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

        Z: M. Bichel, B: Marianne Roos-Otten

Sir Darnley's Magical Mascot 

Mrs. Freerksen is watching him from the other ring. Later on she picks him within the best 4 low legged Terriers!

V2, R. CAC         Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                V: Brueik Man in the Moon

                        M: Lomondview half a Sixpence

                        Z: S. Thomson, B: Gerda van Stuivenberg-Bulters


V3                    Beinn Bhreagh's Argijll

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                        M: Beinn Bhreagh's Vicky Girl

                        Z: S. Vanderborght, Isolde Heidt-Busch


Female Youth Class

V1, Jgd. CAC      Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie

BH                    V: From Dash Mountain Farm's Chuck

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z+B: M. Bichel


V2, R. J. CAC      Scaccomatto Witch of the Woods

                        V: Danskots Real Butler

                        M: Scaccomatto Isolde the Best

                        Z: M. G. Agnelli, B: Frauke Ballhause

from left to right:

Fortuna Val Aleks, Sg

Cu-Mara v. d. Eichelwiesen, V4

Glenmair First Lady, o. B.

Dalmor Kimberly Sunshine Spot, V3

Scaccomatto Witch of the Woods, V2

 V3                    Dalmor Kimberly Sunshine Spot

                        V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Sundance Kid

                        M: Dalmor Enterprise Shena

                        Z+B: Margot Spiess


Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie,V1, Jgd. CAC and best female


Dalmor Kimberly Sunshine Spot, V3

V4                    Cu-Mara v. d. Eichelwiesen

                        V: Ch. Beinn Bhreagh's Archimedes

                        M: Aiba v. Bassettenhof

                        Z+B: Ingrid Huber und Maren Kroll


V                      Mafioso Nöle

                        V: Ch. Lucia’s Dream Shockproof

                        M: Mafioso Little Jay

                        Z+B: C. Aldinger + H. P. Clieves


Sg                    Fortuna Val Aleks

                        V: Skailain's

                        M: Theodora val Alex

                        Z: ?, B: Anton Kull


ohne Bewertung  Glenmair First Lady

(da weder gechipt           V: Ch. So What Excalibur

noch tätowiert)              M: Pendlehill Hannah

                        Z: A. C. Dauncey, B: Ingrid Huber


Female Open Class

V1, CAC             Dalmor Enterprise Shena

                        V: Ch. Mikkel

                        M: Ch. Dalmor Ayleen Morning Star

                        Z: M. Spiess, B: Margit Vettiger (CH)


Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie, V1, Jgd. CAC and best female


Dalmor Enterprise Shena, V1, CAC

V2, R. CAC         Why not vom Ziegelfeld

                        V: Lucia's Dream Skinflint

                        M: Rosemary vom Ziegelfeld

                        Z+B: Renate Dorn

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