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International show Maastricht (NL) 28.09.03

entered Scotties: 16, 2 males open class missing

Judge: Mr. D. McCoy (Irland)


Male youthclass

V1                    Clevedon van Brabant Hof

                        V: Ravnegards Ben Nevis

                        M: Indrajit van Brabant Hof

                        Z: W. Dortu, B: C. Tonino


V2                    Fire Cracker's Liven and let Die

                        V: Black Baronet of Pendlehill

                        M: Typical Second Chapter

                        Z: K. Bouw Bakker, B: G. Sven


Male open class

V1, CAC, CACIB  Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer

BR, BOB           V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm' Merlin

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie

                        Z: M. Bichel, B: H. van Wieringen


V2                    Henry of Salt and Pepper

                        V: Ch. Ludia's Dream Sundance Kid

                        M: Downtown Ukulele

                        Z: S. Glück, B: D. Koelewijn +M. Roos-Otten


V3                    Verascott Pepper and Salt

                        V: Ch. Exel Scott Mistral Gagnant

                        M: Ch. .Lune de Miel DMDMG

                        Z + B: F. Hovagimyan


V4                    Wind of Fortune King of Oat and Wheat

                        V: Stuane Dutch Gold

                        M: Wind of Fortune Charity

                        Z + B: M. Mermans


Male Champion class

V1, R. CAC,        Verascott Passing Shot

R. CACIB           V: Ch. Exel Scott Mistral Gagnant

                        M: Ch. Lune de Miel DMDMG

                        Z + B: F. Hovagimyan


Female youth class

V1, R.CAC          Pointchester Kytemark

                        V: Arabella's Trademark

                        M: Pointchester Pax Vobiscum

                        Z + B: Z. Hunter Brunek


V2                    Dabeau Vielle

                        V: Ch. Wagga Wonder Boy of Jacky's Pride

                        M: Otomaru's Da mino

                        Z + B: M. Joosten/N. Nierling


V3                    Wind of Fortune Marvellous Mine

                        V: Wind of Fortune King of Scots

                        M: Wind of Fortune Hanky Panky Georgia

                        Z + B: M. Mermans


Female intermediate class

V1, R.CACIB       Frou Frou Froukje v. d. Knibbelfarm

                        V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Skinfllint

                        M: Angel v. d. Knibbelfarm

                        Z: I. van Klaveren van Berk, B: P. Bertijn


Female open class

V1                    Obumaru's Da Mino

                        V: Ch. Stuane Blake

                        M: Mable

                        Z: A. van Doornik, B: M. Joosten/N. Nierling


V2                    Holly Hobby von Xantnerhof

                        V: Misschief Maker de Champernoune

                        M: Faith Sofie von Xantnerhof

                        Z:. D. Westerveld, B: K. Bouw Bakker


Female champion class

V1, CAC, CACIB  Verascott Rich and Famous#

BH                    V: Ch. Never Ending Story DMDMG

                        M: Ch. .Lune de Miel DMDMG

                        Z + B: F. Hovagimyan


Please don't worry:

The reserve CAC of the bitches went into youth class, which is possible in the Netherlands. But the youth class cannot compete for the CACIB. So there had to be a seperate competition for the reserve CACIB. That then went into the intermadiate class.


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