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Sir Darnley's "Q"

Olivia and her son, born just a few hours ago.

In the beginning boys mostly are a bit clumsy in finding the "milk bar".


Already next day it works much better.


Olivia really is a caring mom.


First visitors!

Gaby Matheisen (left), where Olivia normally lives and Petra Detemple (right), owner of Portia.

Both are fascinated: "Look at these tiny paws".

Olivia enjoyes their visit.

She is not nervous at all but at the same time always keeps an eye on her son.

Later on also Nicole Meissner comes along (owner of Laura). She takes this lovely pictures.

Olivia easily learns how to clean her puppy.


Already a delightful roly-poly.


Now Olivia herself tends her puppy completly .

Our pleasing little family.

The puppy now weighs 520gr. He has already doubled his weight.



The toy just fits for sleeping.


Still mostly drinking and sleeping.

Today "grandma Gabi" brought a lot new toys. They replace the missing brothers and sisters to cuddle with as ma Olivia is now sometimes staying outside the welping box.


Doday our little bear is 2 weeks of age and weighs 740gr.

Still eyes and ears are closed. But he already likes to play with Rainer.

Of course the other dogs know a puppy is in the house. More often they manage to enter the living room.

Olivia accepts their visite, as long as they keep away from her welping box.

Here Orla gazes her nephew.


Still eyes are closed but continually the surroundings are more and more interesting.

Testing a paw.


Finally after 16 days our little bear opens his eyes!

Already the first worm protection - bäh!




Playing with mom. Olivia enjoys it!


09.10.2006      The sofa is a favoured playground.

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