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Sir Darnley's "Q"

Q at the age of 6 weeks in the garden. He already is intersted in the "doggy news". :-)

Let's have a look what mom has found.
Also leaves of hop can be uses as wonderful toys.

In the meantime Q is fully integrated in the family. Amaisingly Kylie is quite lenient towards him. Only aunt Nellie sometimes is a bit unkind. But Q quickly learns to be careful.


Cosy on the sofa.

Olivia and her son are playing wild.

Sometimes I still separate them from the other Scotties in order to be able to play untroubled.

But Q also loves to play on his own, like here with his favorite mouse.

Today the ears have been clipped for the first time. By this occation we have made first pictures on the table where Q really is cool and easy. Also his mom showed the same talent very early (see picture below).

Many thanks to Sascha Breuer for his help.

This is the parallel to the picture above. It shows mom Olivia at the age of 8 weeks.

07.11.2006     NEW

Now every day Q learns something new  ...

... like going out for a walk with the whole family.
Our Kylie (Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie).

She is Olivia's mom and  Q's grandmother.

Aunt Nellie in the field.

Q always is in the middle of the lot.
Hurry up, we go home now!

Wait a minute, some interesting smells here.
So we come home late.


Q use to says hello to our trimming visitors.

On the pictures above I indroduce him to the "Bock's Clan" girls.

Here Q discovered the slip of paper where I found his name. ;-)


The whole Scottie family waiting for their food. Q enjoys to be in the middle of the others.
Just like a big one!

This is a comfort to single puppies.


Playing with mom in the garden.


Portia (Sir Darnley's Portia Powderkeg) is visiting us for a few days. Q tries to animate her to play with him. But Portia abstains because otherwise Olivia (Q's mom) or Nellie (Portia's mom) will tell her off. angeflogen und haben was dagegen. Killjoy!

Q does not give up ...

... come on, come on!

Don't bother me!

Okay, okay.
Olivia and Q playing wild in the bed - hmmhmm.

Portia watchs them until they get too loud for her.


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