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Sir Darnley's "H"

born 07.01.1993

Highland Hawk

J.Ch. Heart's Horizon

Handsome Hunk

Hopeful Hazel


Multi Ch. Respect Engineer Ch. Kirthorn Yogi Ch. Town Crier of Mayson
Kirthorn Ginny Blot
Ch. Respect Barbara Ch. Little Lad of Scarista at Brockeneugh
Ch. Kirthorn Kerys
Ch. Sir Darnley's Busy Buzzy Ch. Alex von der Leinemasch Ch. Downtown Duke
Cosima von Creynveld
Ch. Downtown Shirley Shamrock Ch. Kirthorn Kracker Jack
Downtown Nugget


This litter is so to say “the same but the other way around” as litter “H” in the kennel “Respect”:
There the sire is Ch. Sir Darnley’s April Joke = full brother of Busy Buzzy. 
The mother is Ch. Respect Elisabeth = litter sister of Engineer!


View into the small world of the litter. Here the puppies are app. 3 weeks old and everything is still in best order

The catastrophe starts after the 2nd vaccination where a “modern” serum has been used. This was specially for puppies and with inactive but living viruses (Parvo).

But in our case it was a big disaster! Hawk and Hazel came down with Parvovirus. But for all that fight Hawk diet within 2 days. For several days things looked also hopeless for Hazel.

After a while bowel and stomach stopped working at all. Hazel was nearly 12 weeks old. The only chance: to open the stomach, to empty it and to check why there is no peristalsis anymore. So this poor little girl had to be operated  - or put to sleep. But it was worth to try. Result: The end of the stomach had a spasm. The bowel was very cankerous.

After the surgery Hazel’s temperature was below 34°C and she had to be warmed up carefully.

2 days no recovery! We were not able to get the bowel back to work and the viruses ravaged undamped.  I already thought, that Hazel has to be put to sleep. But our vet (who had spent nearly his whole Easter weekend for us) thought we should have a last try.

He extremely overdosed a drug for the peristalsis – and that worked!! Hazel recovered fairly quickly and started eating just 2 days later!

Hazel developed into a “normal” Scottie. But she staid with me for a while because nobody knew what all the medicine had perpetrate.

Here she is on holiday in Hennestrand, Denmark , May 1993

From left to right: Darnley, Shirley; Busy, Gretna and Hazel

Hazel and Kirsten in Hennestrand (Dänemark).
After that she went to her new home in Brussels (B). She's living there with her uncle Sir Darnley's Countdown Chip. Now she is 10 years old and for a long time she hadn't had any problem. Now she has bladder cancer but with medicin she still is a very happy Scotties.

And as she is very carefully looked after by her owner Yvette, I realy cross my fingers for her.

 This picture was taken 1994 when we visited Yvette with Hazel and Chip on our journey to the Top-Terrier show in  Mouscron (B).

Heart's Horizon (Humphrey) on the left with his owner, on the right with his friend.
Humphrey was shown very successfully in youth class:

He was KFT youth champion, VDH- European youth winner, several times BOB and one time best in show.

During her parvo virus infection when she was a puppy Hazel had to receive a lot of medicine Because of that I would have never thought that she could reach a "normal" age. 

When her companion Chip died  in 2004 (Sir Darnley's Countdown Chip, V: Ch. Pendlehill Magnus, M: Sir Darnley's Bumble Bee), she really lost condition. But then she recovered nicely to a hardheaded but first of all happy lady.

This mainly is due to her owner Yvette Sacre. She adores Hazel and Chip and looked after them perfectly!

Thank you sooo much Yvette!!!

Hazel died in June 2005 at the age of 12 1/2 years. 

It is a great comfort to us that the little Sir Darnley's Principal Prince moves to Brussels as successor of Hazel and Chip.

As Yvette had to cope with several bad losses within the last years, the little Prince should accompany her into a new and positive period of life.

Hazel and Yvette in August 2004

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