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Terrier show OG Kreis Neuss, 14.05.2006

entered Scotties: 23, missing 2

Judge: Dan Ericsson (S)


Finally this year we were able to find an attractive location for our Terrier show - in the middle of Neuss.

Many thanks to Hermann Vehreschild (Kennel "Roses") for producing and donating lovely new fences for the rings. With this the parking ground on the race course easily changed into a stylish show location.

Judge and Scottie specialist Dan Ericsson is well known around the world. In his kennel "Raglan" far more than 100 Champions were born until now.

Dan Ericsson and his ring team.


Male Puppy Class

VV1                  From Dash Mountain Farm's Look at me

2nd. Puppy           V: Ch. Raglan Roslin Williams

in show              M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Native Nugget

                        Z:G.v.Stuivenberg, B: G.v.Stuivenberg+S.Sogtoen (NL)


VV2                  Sir William of Conor's Clan

                        V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                        M: Glammys Tyrin

                        Z+B: Sybille Gerlach (D)



From Dash Mountain Farm's Look at me


Sir William of Conor's Clan

From Dash Mountain Farm's Look at me


Sir William of Conor's Clan



Male Youth Class

V1, J.CAC          Shamrock Little Angus of Conor's Clan

                        V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                        M: Ch. Downtown Zaragoza

                        Z+B: Sybille Gerlach (D)


V2, R.J.CAC        Brueik Prospector

                         V: Raglan Roal Connection with Brio

                M: Brueik Winter Moon

        Z: L. Bradley, B: Marcel Reuter (D)


Sg3                    Spear Thistle's Crush on You

                    V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Skinflint

                        M: Lucia's Dream Shockwave

                        Z+B: Martine + Tom Diederich (Lux)


from left to right:

Brueik Prospector

Shamrock Little Angus of Conor's Clan

Spear Thistle's Crush on You

Shamrock Little Angus of Conor's Clan

Brueik Prospector

Spear Thistle's Crush on You


Male Intermediate Class

V1, R.CAC          Lucia's Dream Storm Warning

                V: Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

                        M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Stirling

                        Z+ B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


V2                    From The Southern Hill's Cedric

                        V: Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                        M: Sally

                        Z: H. + G. Janssen, B: Sascha Breuer (D)


From The Southern Hill's Cedric

Lucia's Dream Storm Warning

Lucia's Dream Storm Warning


From The Southern Hill's Cedric



Male Open Class

V1                    Verity's Dont Worry

                V: Verity's Batman

                M: Verity's Zibeline

                        Z: A. Vermeiren, B: Wendy Peters-Witzand (NL)


absent               Brazil v. Brabant-Hof

                        V: Wodka van Brabant Hof

                        M: Indrajit v. Brabant-Hof

                        Z: W.M.J. Dortu, B: Charlotte Tonino (NL)


Verity's Dont Worry


Male Champion Class

V1, CAC            Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

BOB                 V: Ch. Raglan Rory

best low               M: Ch.Lucia's Dream Shocking Rumor

legged Terrier       Z+B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

The male class winners in competitionn for CAC:

Lucia's Dream Scandalizer,     Lucia's Dream Storm Warning,   Verity's Dont Worry


Lucia's Dream Scandalizer, CAC

Lucia's Dream Storm Warning, R. CAC


Female Puppy Class

VV1                  From Dash Mountain Farm's Look Again

                        V: Ch. Raglan Roslin Williams

                        M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Native Nugget

                        Z+ B: G.v.Stuivenberg (NL)


VV2                  She's Meghun of Conor's Clan

                        V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                        M: Glammys Tyrin

                        Z+B: Sybille Gerlach (D)


From Dash Mountain Farm's Look Again


She's Meghun of Conor's Clan



Female Youth Class

V1, J.CAC          Lucia's Dream Serendipity

Best Youth          V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Swan Sans Peur

in show              M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Shocking Rumor

                        Z.+B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


V2, R.J.CAC        Respect Suzanne

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin

                        M: Ch. Respect Penelope

                        Z+B: Aenne Hocke


Lucia's Dream Serendipity

Respect Suzanne

Lucia's Dream Serendipity


Respect Suzanne



Female Intermediate Class

V1, CAC            Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup

                V: Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

                        M: Ch. Lucia's Dream Stirling

                        Z+ B: Betty Smit-Kamerbeek (NL)


V2, R. CAC         From The Southern Hill's Carol

                        V: Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                        M: Sally

                        Z: H. + G. Janssen, B: Sascha Breuer


V3                    Rigoletto's Dreamnight Magic

                        V: Jerrymor Titus

                M: Cleopatra de Schliekenkieker

                        Z+B: Martina Schwarz


V4                    Beinn Bhreagh's Dragan

                        V: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon

                M: Beinn Bhreagh's Anais Sunny

                        Z+B: Simone Vanderborght


Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup


From The Southern Hill's Carol


Rigoletto's Dreamnight Magic


Beinn Bhreagh's Dragan


From The Southern Hill's Carol

Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup,   From The Southern Hill's Carol,   Rigoletto's Dreamnight Magic



Female Open Class

V1                    Dark Angel's Deborah

                        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm' Merlin

                        M: Dark Angel's Alice

                        B: J. + S. Rönnebeck, B: Martina Blumreiter


V2                    Beinn Bhreagh's Dazzle

                        V: Ch. Arabella's Zabadak

                M: Ch. Beinn Bhreagh's Allafair

                        Z: S. Vanderborght, B: Daisy van de Moer


Sg3                   Lucia's Dream Will of the Wisp

                        V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Skinflint

                        M: Jerrymor Wassilissa

                        Z: B. Smit-Kamerbeek, B: Martine + Tom Diederich (L)


Sg4                   Seamraig Sweet Shelly of Conor's Clan

                        V: Ch. Glammys Sandboy

                        M: Ch. Downtown Zaragoza

                        Z+B: Sybille Gerlach (D)


Beinn Bhreagh's Dazzle,   Dark Angel's Deborah,   Lucia's Dream Will of the Wisp,   Seamraig Sweet Shelly of Conor's Clan


Dark Angel's Deborah


Beinn Bhreagh's Dazzle

Lucia's Dream Will of the Wisp


Female Champion Class

absent               Beinn Breagh's Allafair

        V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm' Merlin

        M: Beinn Breagh's Vicky Girl

        Z+B: Simone Vanderborght


left: Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup, CAC
From The Southern Hill's Carol, R. CAC


All ticket winners compete for best of breed:

Lucia's Dream Scandalizer, Lucia's Dream Storm In A Teacup, Shamrock Little Angus of Conor's Clan, Lucia's Dream Serendipity


Lucia's Dream Scandalizer, BOB

The Scotties also were successful in the big ring:


2nd. Puppy in show: From Dash Mountain Farm's Look at me


Best Youth in show:

Lucia's Dream Serendipity

Best low legged Terrier in show:

Lucia's Dream Scandalizer


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