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13th. Terrier Specialty

OG Kreis Neuss im Klub für Terrier e. V.

With Westie- and Norfolk Festival

on the turf in Neuss,  14.05.2006

Our local Terrier group (OG) nor exists for nearly 20 years. But always we were obliged to hold our shows elsewhere. 

Now we managed to find an attractive show ground in the middle of Neuss!

Actually the location is just a parking ground on the territory of turf. Across from the "Globe Theater", surrounded by big trees and close to the paddock.


Although there are many advantages for dog shows like short ways for the exhibitors and a very good flor.

So the conditions are fine. We only need to produce the special flair we like. We like all people to feel comfortable  on our shows.

We had grat help from our own members.  Hermann Vehreschild (picture above left), a master joiner with own company, designed and produced these attractive fences for the rings!
The white fences are very easy to assemble and immediately turn the simple location into an elegant show ground. Also many participants were quite impressed.

Also at this place again a big THANK YOU to Hermann Vehreschild for this noble donation!

Accordingly we have a lot of fun buidling up the tables with trophees and prices (see picture right).

Another THANK YOU goes to the association "Wasserwacht Düsseldorf" who make available a PA system very shortly! My brother in law, Dieter Schneider brought and installed the system personally. My sister Ute (far right on the picture) prevented me in getting a cold during the rain.

It was their first dog show - they told me that they enjoyed it.  ;-)

Terrier friends often can also be early birds. So there were longer queues already before the show office opened.

Sadly the only - and not representive - picture of our shop where coffee and lots of cakes were available.

For the first time our local Terrier group organized breed specials.

Inga Flamang and Anja Rehm prepared the Westie Festival and Heike Mark set up the Norfolk Special.

Their great enthusiasm affected infectiv to the exhibitors: Alltogether  72 Westies and 20 Norfolks were entered. Alone the special classes (Baby, Newcomer, Pets) got nearly30 entries.

So we were very happy about a total of  201 dogs!


Our international judging team:

Irmgard Vogt from Germany, Dan Ericsson from Sweden and Dot Britten from England


Before the start: anxious look to the sky.

In the background the "Globe Theater", a copy of the British original. Shakespeare play is staged here regularly.

Tradition  on shows of our Terrier group OG Kreis Neuss: All helpers and judges marching in the rings accompanied by ceremonial music.

Just a short speech and of we go.

Ring 1

For the first time ever Dot Britten judges in Germany.

In England she is a very successful breeder of Westies and Norfolks herselv. Dogs of her kennel "Krisma" are internationally successful and well known.

Dot Britten and her ring team


There were many many prices donated for the Westie and Norfolk Special. So every participant  got a present.  Again here we want to thank all sponsors.

In alphabetic order:
Fam. Benning, Firma Bobi, Fam. Deipenbrock, Fam. Flamang, Fam Heberle, Fam. Högger, Fam. Kemper, Fam Kramer, Fam. Mark, Fam. Möck, Fam. Nübel, Fam Rehm, Fam. Schäfer, Fam. Schmale, Fam. Slavik, Fam. Steinfadt, N. Waßmer, Westie-Föerderverein e. V., Westie-News, Firma Masterfoods.

With 9 entries the Westies male puppy class was the bigges class of the whole show.


Alltogether 72 Westies were entered in competition and in the special classes.

This picture shows the best of breed Bellevue Trigger Happy (left) and the best opposite sex Miss Lourdes vom Deipen Brook (right).

Many more Westie shots and results are to be found =>HERE<=.

Also the Norfolk Festival had a lovely entry of 20 dogs.

Here the best of breed was Silhouette's Rainpearl.

Furthermore a lovely fancy dressed parade was presented.

=>HERE<= are more Norfolk pictures and results.

Additionally a Norfolk was felicitous presented in dog dancing. See the pictures further down under "Ring 2".

Ring 2

Irmgard Vogt is a well known German Terrier specialist.

For many years Bedlington Terriers of her kennel "Inka" are very successful at home and abroad.

Irmgard Vogt with her ring team.

Mrs. Vogt judges more than 50 Terrier and the junior handling.

Some photos out of her ring:

Airedale Terrier

above left: No Doubt of Malton, male, Jgd. CAC

above right: Daniel's Number Ten Mo, female, Jgd. CAC

right: Starlight of Malton, female,  CAC, BOB, 2nd. high legged Terrier

Parson Russell Terrier

"on top": Fillmore First Cal

Border Terrier

Eyecatcher, male, Jgd. CAC

Jooke v. d. Border-Meute, female, CAC, BOB
Irish Terrier

Kiss me Kate vom Akazienhain, female, CAC, BOB

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Orpheus vom Kiekhof, male, Jgd. CAC, BOB

Junior handling

Photo left: Tim Haren (left) won his age group, 2nd. to him was Marc Rehm.

Photo right: Tim Haren also was best junior handler of the day in front of Fee Nagel, winner of age group 1.


Many thanks to Mrs Poelitz who presented dog dancing with her Norfolk Evening Star Adonis. The public was exalted!

Some pictures:

Ring 3

Dan Ericsson from Sweden is a wordwide accepted  Terrier specialist.

In his Scottish Terrier kennel "Raglan" he has already bred far more than 100 Champions.

Nearly 60 dogs were entered for him.

Dan Ericsson and his ring team. Incidentally he prefers to write the critics personally.


Skye Terrier

Secret Weapon of Morningsky, male, Jgd. CAC

Firesound of Morningsky, male, CAC, BOB

Scottish Terrier

Lucia's Dream Scandalizer, male, CAC, BOB

More pictures and the complete results of the 23 entered Scotties are to be found  =>HERE<=.

Cairn Terrier

Grand Prix Cloud of Joy, male, CAC

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

left: Treasure Island's Bahama Breeze, female R. CAC

right: Treasure Island's Delighted Star, female, CAC, BOB

Yorkshire Terrier

Camparis Simsalabim, female, CAC, BOB

Welsh Terrier

Julchen von der Hohen Flur, female, CAC, BOB, BIS

Norwich Terrier

Windermer's Figo, male, CAC, BOB

Photos from the main ring:
Ready to go!

Best couple:

Bedligton Terrier

Top Crystals Over Special nd Top Crystals Oh my Darling

Best group:

Norwich Terrier from Kennel Windermer's

Best puppy in show and reserve:

left: West Highland White Terrier Spencer's Back Street Boy
 right: Scottish Terrier From Dash Mountain Farm's Look at me


Competition for best youth


Best youth:

Scottish Terrier Lucia's Dream Serendipity

The best of breed high legged Terriers in the big ring


Best high legged and reserve:

left: Welsh Terrier Julchen von der Hohen Flur
right: Airedale Terrier Starlight of Malton


above and below: The best of breed low legged Terriers in the ring.


The best 4


Best low legged Terrier:

Scottish Terrier Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

The final picture with all judges:

Best in show Julchen von der Hohen Flur


Reserve best in show Lucia's Dream Scandalizer

Many thanks to Karin Günter and Rolf Conrads, who took pictures the whole day. Many thanks of course also to our Terrier groups whole team. Many members aquired family and friends for helping.

Again this was a great and felicitous show!


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