Sir Darnley's annual review 2007
Our highlights of the year!
End of April 2007 I spent on week holiday in Henne-Strand (DK) together with Helma van Wieringen and her Ch. Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer. Even if it was springtime, we had lovely summer weather. Just our Nosy Nellie had an uncomfortable meeting with a snake. But fortunately she recovered really quick. |
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R-litter On 17.05.2007 our Ch. Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis got her first litter, one boy and two girls sired by Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon. The trio is very promising. Rookie and Reggae move to their new owners not far away. Ruby is staying with us. |
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In September our whole Scottie family, Rainer and I spent a two weeks holiday again in Henne-Strand at the Danish West-Coast. |
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On 16.11.2007 our
S-litter arrives. 7 black puppies - our biggest litter so far.
For mom Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie it is the 2nd. and also the last litter. She is a loving mom for her 3 sons and 4 daughters. The sire this time is Ch. Ayrzol Jumanji from Denmark. Of course it is a very busy time with this lovely gang. |
Also in the show ring we had a real good year. In 2006 the Sir Darnley's Scotties won: 1 x KFT Youth Ch., 1 x VDH Youth Ch., 2 x German Ch. VDH, 1 x Belgium Ch., 1 x Dutch Ch., 1 x International Ch., 1 x VDH Rheinland Winner, 1 x VDH European Winner, 1 x KFT Club Winner, 2 x Bundes Winner, 1 x Bundes Youth Winner and 1 x Køpenhavn Winner!
The Highlights:
Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie
Kylie is now 10 years and still loves the show ring. It is a real joy to show her, moving soundly and barking "look at meee"! I showed her mainly in Denmark where she went 2nd. best Veteran in Hillerød and best Veteran in Show in Frederiksværk and Hårlev. In the end she is 3rd. best Veteran of the year in the Danish Terrier Club. During the last years many of Kylies offspring is successful in many countries. |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie at the age of 10 years |
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer Owner: Helma van Wieringen, NL Since 2002 Mortimer is constantly winning on shows. Overall until now he was 17 x BOB and 6 x Best in Show or winning the Terrier Group. In 2007 he went Bundes Winner, Belgium Champion and BIG at CAC Show in Leuven (B). |
Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie
Nellie was mainly shown on title shows. She gained VDH European Winner and KFT Club Winner. On both shows she also took BOB. On the Club Winner she in the TOP6 for Best in Show. In November Nellie gave birth to a litter of 7 puppies (Sir Darnley's S). |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis Owners: Rainer Schnock + Maren Bichel Orla was only shown twice. On the Terrier Specialty in Mettmann she went BOB and Best in Show. In May she had her first litter with 3 puppies, our R litter. Her daughter Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby will stay in our Scottie family. |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession
On the VDH Rheinland Winner Show Olivia won the Terrier Group, went best of the day and Res. Best in Show. Additionally she gained some more titles: German Champion VDH, Dutch Champion, International Champion, Rheinland Winner and Bundes Winner. |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession |
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q Olivias son Q had a terrific debut in the show ring. From junior class he went 5 x BOB in Germany, Denmark and Holland. He also was Best Puppy in Show on the Terrier Specialty in Hattingen, BIG3 on the CACIB Maastricht (NL) and BIG4 on the CACIB Wijchen (NL). Other results of the first season: KFT Junior Champion, VDH Junior Champion, Bundes Youth Winner and Køpenhavn Winner. |
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
Sir Darnley's
Rambling Ruby Also our little Ruby had a first try and had a lovely debut in December. On the Terrier Specialty in Münster she right went Best Puppy in Show. Judge was the breed specialist Cindy Petterson from Sweden (Kennel So What). She wrote: Lovely youngster with a future ahead ... |
Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby |
Rose's Crackerjack Ch. Sir Darnley's Magical Mascot - Loretta of Invisible Touch B: Hermann Vehreschild O: Hannelore Wilhelm-Krischke Handling: Maren Bichel Exceptionally Cracker is mentioned here, although he is not bred or owned by me. Cracker is a very promising son of Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Magical Mascot and I handled him during his first show season for his owner. Cracker went KFT Jugend Champion, Best in Show on the Terrier Specialty in Mettmann and Best Junior in Show on the Terrier Specialty in Ahlen. |
Rose's Crackerjack |
Sincere thanks to all judges for these phantastic results and to all friends for all their help!!!
=>Here<= you find a chronic of all shows and results that we have visited in 2007.
=>Here<= are all results according to each dog.
I wish all Scottie enthusiasts further on to enjoy my site