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1999 and 2000

Holidays of course in Hennestrand, house Bygd

May 1999

This is house Bygd. Kirsten and I found it the year before. It lays at the dead end of a small road on top of a sandune. There you have a wonderful view over the dunes and the North-sea.


It has an own small way into the dunes and as the site is very big, nobody from outside can look into or around the house.

This small house really is hyggelig, gemütlich, cosy!

There is a beautyful landscape between the house and the beach.
And off we go!

Of course all 5 Scottie girls were with me: Shirley, Busy, Gretna, Josy and Kylie. But somehow always one is missing on the pictures.

Like here most of the times it was Shirley. Being more than 13 years old, she mostly was a bit slower than the others.

But here she is also on the picture, at the right side. Allright, not easy to identify because the light came from the opposite side.

But now Gretna is missing. She already went her own way. You can just see her paws in the sand ;-))

Come on! We want to go into the water!

Oh, how nice - The whole beach just for us!

It was not really cold, just a bit windy. But then many tourists prefer to go into their cosy houses earlier.

Allright, first off all into the water!

Kylie let the wind blow around her nose. Gretna has found something interesting, Busy has to look what it is.

And afterwards all have to roll in the sand.
Gretna is always looking for seagulls.

But then we also have to return to our small house.
To watch the sunset, we later on go on one of the dunes close to the water. Another fluffy companion accompanied us. And with a glass of wine you can enjoy the peaceful  spirit.

... but of course also the Scottie girls were there!
2000 also in house Bygd

Cock of the walk!

Also from this year I have only this picture. But it is the proof that Kirsten was there as well: This time she brought her Cesky Terrier with her. He is sitting in the middle of my girls: Gretna, Josy, Busy and Kylie!

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