Here are the show results in compact form | News Archive |
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News |
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Again 2 eventful weeks are gone. I had some nice days together with my parents and Nellie, Ruby and Scully in Oostkapelle at the Dutch North-Sea. Many thanks to Rainer who looked after the rest of the gang at home. Same time ... |
... on 27.03.2008 the first
offspring by Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q was born in France! Ch. Unchained Melody of Highlander Blackmount "Rosy" gave birth to 6 black puppies, 2 boys and 4 girls. Congratulations to their breeder, Muriel Matel!
And there also were two more shows: CAC Luxemburg,
27.04.08 Orla is back in the ring. She won the champion class with CAC and also now is Lux. Ch. Her daughter Ruby won the youth class and her first titel Lux. Jgd. Ch. Additionally she went best female, best of breed and best short legged Terrier. CACIB Europasieger Dortmund, 04.05.08 Q won CAC + CACIB and went Europasieger'08. His mom Olivia won Res. CAC + Res. CACIB within the bitches. Ruby won the youth class, went Europajugendsiegerin'08, VDH Jugend Champion and best of breed!
Now there will be a short break. The focus now is to
organize our own Terrier show: OG Kreis
Neuss on 17.05.2008. |
Puppies by Q in kennel "of Highlander Blackmount". |
DK + Lux. Ch. +
Europasieger'08 |
Lux. + VDH Jgd. Ch.,
Europajugendsiegerin'08 |
Again I am far behind but as there also is a life beside this homepage it sometimes is difficult to report in time.
So first of all here are the results from the last weekends in short form. Detailed reports will follow..
The pictures are showing Ruby, Nellie and Q in Denmark. A great THANK YOU to Anne and Thomas Kühl and to Grethe and Kirsten Toftkjær for a wonderful weekend!
CACIB Luxemburg,
29.03.08 Q wins Intermediate Class with CAC and Res. CACIB. Mortimers Son Ciceron della Roccacia di Modigliani (F) gets Lux. Y. Champion. CAC Hedensted (DK)
12.04.08 CAC Hedensted (DK), 13.04.08 CACIB Lingen, 20.04.08 Same day Rookie (Owner Hannelore Wilhelm Krischke) wins his first Jgd. CAC in Limburg. |
Exactly 20 years ago the first Sir Darnley's Scottish Terrier puppies were born!
In 20 years from A
to S On 02.04.1988 my foundation bitch Multi Ch. Downtown Shirley Shamrock had her first litter by Multi Ch. Alex von der Leinemasch "Darnley". It was the only litter that growed up in Neuss. This was before I moved into my house in Grevenbroich. 20 years and 19 litters later Shirley and Darnley are now the 5th generation of our S-litter. Intentionally I am breeding "slowly". I want to enjoy every litter and as possible I want to attend "our" Scotties in their future life. You will find more informations about all Sir Darnley's litters in menu "The Sir Darnley's" and "Chronicle". |
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Sir Darnley's "A", 10 Tage alt | |
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Darnley und Shirley mit ihrem Quartett | |
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Worldyouthwinner '89, KFT-J.
Ch., Dt. Ch. Sir Darnley's April Joke |
KFT-J. Ch. Sir
Darnley's April Shamrock |
International dog show in Leeuwarden (NL), 24.03.2008
Sir Darnley's
Rambling Ruby S: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis Again our Ruby wins the youth class with J. CAC and additionally the R. CAC. |
Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby |
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q Coming from intermediate class Q wins another CAC and his first CACIB and went best male. |
Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
This was a lovely tour to the
Netherlands with a stop at Gerda und Bert van Stuivenberg and their "From
Dash Mountain Farm's". There I also visited Ch. Sir Darnley's Native
Nugget "Esprit". Also on the show we had many nice personal contacts. The complete Scottie results are to be found =>HERE<=. Many Thanks again to Guus Tomeij for the pictures. |
International dog show in Leiden (NL), 16.03.2008
Sir Darnley's
Rambling Ruby S: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis Our Ruby made her successful debut. She won the youth class with J. CAC and CAC and went best female!
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q Coming from intermediate class Q got R. CAC und R. CACIB. The Scottie results with some pictures are =>HERE<=. Many thanks to Mr. Tomeij who took over my camera this time. |
Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby + Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
Finally visiting the Crufts dog show!!!
I was not there for many years - but this time it works out. I will visite Crufts, the world's largest dog show, together with Inga Flamang and Helma van Wieringen. I am looking forward to see many English Scottish Terriers and Scottie fanciers from around the world. |
The Scotties will be judged on Sunday, 09.03.2008, by Siv Jernhake from Sweden. There are 105 dogs with 114 entries. See you at Crufts! |
Multi Ch.
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer S: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie Owner: Helma van Wieringen (NL) born: 29.09.2001 Mortimer developing from 2001 until today, shown in 5 pictures - from puppy to multiple Champion and BIS winner. |
December 2001, with 11 weeks |
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January 2003, 16 months | April 2005, 3,5 years |
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September 2007, 6 years | March 2008, 6,5 years of age |
In January this picture from our
at the age of 8 months was taken (Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon x
Ch. Sir Darnley's
Orla Online Oasis) left: Sir Darnley's
Rhythm Reggae, middle: Sir Darnley's Ragtime Rookie, right: Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby, |
In the meantime nearly all puppies of
our S-litter have moved into their new families. Just Scully and Sugar are
still there. =>HERE<= are some newer pictures. |
National VDH all breed show in Rheinberg, 16.02.2008
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q S: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession Q wins the intermediate class with CAC and Rheinlandsieger, like his mother last year. Additionally he went best of breed already for the 8th. time!
Congratulations also to Gerda van Stuivenberg (NL) and her From Dash Mountain Farm's Moonflyer "Oililly" Oililly wins Jgd. CAC and Rheinland Jugendsiegerin. She is a daughter of Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Native Nugget (S: Multi Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon).
The complete Scottie results and some pictures are =>HERE<=. |
J. Ch. Sir
Darnley's Qubic Q |
J. Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Moonflyer "Oililly" |
International dog show in Eindhoven (NL), 09.02.2008
We celebrate our Dutch Youth Champion
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession Q continues his run in the Netherlands. For the 3rd. time he wins Jgd. CAC and CAC. He also went best male and best of breed. This completes his NL Jgd. Ch. Even though Q also already won all necessary tickets for NL Ch. he is just too young for this title. The complete Scottie results and a few pictures can be found =>HERE<=. |
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J. Ch. Sir
Darnley's Qubic Q |
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Terrier show OG Dortmund in Castrop-Rauxel, 26.01.2008
A nice start into the new show season
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q S: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession Q was shown in Intermediate class for the first time. He won the CAC and again went best of breed! In the main ring he also was among the 7 best
Sir Darnley's
Rhythm Reggae This time Rubys sister Reggae was shown in Puppy class. She also really showed very well. She got a very promising. Unfortunately and because of the black floor it was nearly impossible to take good pictures. But next to the hall there was a big green space where the dogs could play. Thereof some pictures can be found =>HERE<= together with the complete Scottie results. |
J. Ch. Sir
Darnley's Qubic Q |
Sir Darnley's Rhythm Reggae |
Currently these 7 hooligans
need all available free time. So again the homepage has to wait.
The all are developing very well. Tomorrow already 2 girls will move to their new families. Everything is going too fast. |
Now you can see Nellies puppies individually =>HERE<=. |
to all our friends and visitors!
New pictures from our puppies are available =>HERE<=. |
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Here are 2 pictures from
our walk with 12 Scotties in Kerpen-Horrem today.
There were Petra Detemple with Sina and Portia; Gaby Matheisen with Leroy and Olivia; Nicole Meissner with Laura, Daphne and Reggae; and me with Kylie, Nellie, Orla, Q and Ruby. Furthermore Show calendar and Links have been updated! |
Now also the comple Scottie results and pictures from CACIB in Wijchen (NL), 17.12.07 are online: =>HERE<=. |
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
Christmas |
are new pictures of Nellies puppies. |
CACIB show in Wijchen (NL), 17.12.2007
We celebrate our new
Dutch Champion
Ch. Sir Darnley's
Olivia Offbeat Obsession Olivia wins Res. CACIB and Res. CAC. As the CAC will be upgraded Olivia hereby completes her Dutch Champion! Olivias son is even more successful:
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q Q wins Jgd. CAC and CAC (too young for the CACIB). Already for the 5th. time he went best of breed from youth class! Also in the main ring he was placed again. Here he went 4th. in Terrier Group! The complete Scottie results and pictures have to wait. First I have to work on the puppy pictures - so many people are desperately waiting for actual fotos of Nellies puppies! |
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Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession |
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J. Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
Now report and pictures from CACIB Kassel are online =>HERE<=
Now the report from Münster with pictures is online =>HERE<=
International all breed show in Kassel, 08.12.2007
We celebrate our new VDH
Jugend Champion:
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q Q again wins the youth class and completes
his VDH Jgd. Ch. =>HERE<= you will find just the complete results, pictures and translation will follow. |
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
Terrier specialty OG
The first show for our little Ruby.
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Sir Darnley's
Rambling Ruby S: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Orla Online Oasis
Judge Cindy Pettersson (Kennel "So What", S) writes: Torsten Himmrich is judging the puppys main ring. In hard competition he picks Ruby for Best Puppy in Show! |
Darnley's Rambling Ruby
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J. Ch. Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q S: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession
About Q the judge writes: From youth class Q again went best of breed and 4th. youth in show. Many thanks to "our" photographer Rolf Conrads, who took these pictures from Ruby and Q the day before the show. |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q
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Congratulations also to Gerda van Stuivenberg + Marcella Oostendorp
(NL) to their From Dash Mountain Farm's Moonflyer "Oililly" Oililly wins the female youth class and her 2nd. J. CAC. Oililly and Ruby actually are 3/4
sisters. :-) The complete Scottie results from Münster are =>HERE<=, some pictures will be added later. |
left: From Dash Mountain Farm's Moonflyer right: Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby
2 sisters:
Sir Darnley's Rhythm Reggae and Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby
S: Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon, M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Orla Online
Nicole Meissner was here with Reggae and her other two Scotties Laura and Daphne for trimming. So we took some pictures of the sisters, now being 6 months. Coming Sunday Ruby will have her debut in the ring in puppy class. left: Reggae, right: Ruby |
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Sir Darnley's Rhythm Reggae | Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby |
Finally I managed to finish the
report of our holiday in Denmark. I can nearly smell the North-Sea air! =>HERE<= are the pictures. |
Congratulations to the
"From Dash Mountain
Farm's" Scotties
and Gerda van Stuivenberg in the Netherlands:
Today From Dash Mountain
Farm's Mascot Man "Mexx" completed his German Champion.
This already is his 4th. title.
Mexx is a son of Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Magical Mascot (M: Sundhilfare Ebony Ennia). Breeder: Gerda van Stuivenberg (NL)
From Dash Mountain Farm's Moonflyer "Oililly" won the youth class and went best of breed! She just is 10 months of age. Oililly is a daughter of Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Native Nugget (S: Multi Ch. Ashgate Three Penny Moon). Breeder: Gerda van Stuivenberg (NL)
Mexx and Oililly both are grand children of our "old lady" Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie and we also are very proud! |
From Dash Mountain Farm's Mascot Man "Mexx" | |
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From Dash Mountain Farm's Moonflyer "Oililly" |
Another nice surprise from Denmark:
Ch. Sir Darnley's
Kiss-Curl Kylie V: Ch. Raglan Ringmaster M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Gretna Green Today by post Kylie received a nice rosette from Dansk Terrier Klub. This year she was on just 2 Denish Terrier shows. Both times Kylie went best Veteran in show. Thereby she finished being 3rd. best Veteran in Denmark for 2007! |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie |
Now Nellie and her babies have their
own gallery: Nellie's own page has also been updated. |
Thank you for many
congratulations for
Nellie and
her babys.
All are very well and all put on weight. Also the tiny little boy who had only 147gr when he was born. Now he already weighs 190gr. All others are between 270 and 290gr.
Nellie is a very proud mom. She cares for her puppies perfectly. Just sometimes she is a bit confused in counting - we too. :-) |
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Seven at one stroke!
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Today Nellie got her puppies! 3 boys and 4 girls, all black. Nellie and her bunch of kids are well - and we are happy! |
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Also we expect puppies soon!
Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie
By the end of this week Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie will expect her 2nd. litter.
This time the sire is Multi Ch. Ayrzol Jumanji. He is bred by Lotte Frøkjær + John Steffensen and owned by Lonny Krægpøth from Denmark. His sister Ch. Ayrzol Jimalthea is Top Scottie this year in Denmark. Jumanji himself is 3rd in this ranking of more than 100 shown Scotties. More informations about Jumanji are =>HERE<=. As always we are looking forward to this combination. |
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Multi. Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie | |
Multi Ch. Ayrzol Jumanji |
Puppies at kennel "Rose's" with Sir Darnley's participation:
Sire: Mother: Breeder: Hermann Vehreschild, Goch On 26.10.2007 Loretta selfwhelped 2
black puppies, a boy and a girl. More informations can be found on Rose's Homepage. Congratulations to Johanna and Hermann Vehreschild. I am looking forward to see your little couple soon. |
left: Multi Ch. Sir
Darnley's Magical Mascot |
Puppies at kennel
"Redcliff" Breeder: Sascha Breuer, Nideggen Sire: Mother:
The puppies (1 male and 3 females) were born in July. =>HERE<= are some pictures from the first months. |
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Mom Carol with her puppies | |
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Dad Mortimer also visited his offspring. |
New pictures from Orla's offspring
Sir Darnley's Ragtime Rookie, Owner: Hannelore Wilhelm-Krischke | Sir Darnley's Rhythm Reggae, Owner: Nicole Meissner |
Our "R" litter already is 5, 1/2 months
of age (S:
Ch. Ashgate
Three Penny Moon, M:
Ch. Sir Darnley's
Orla Online Oasis).
The lively Ruby will stay with us to complete our pack. We are very happy that her sister Reggae and
her brother Rookie will live not far from here. As both of their
families are our friends it was not too hard to let them go. More pictures from Rookie, Reggae and Ruby I have added =>HERE<=.
Here I just would like to say "thank you" to all Sir
Darnley's Scottie owners. There is a more or less constant contact to nearly
all of them. |
Sir Darnley's Rambling Ruby, Owner: Maren Bichel | |
Orla with her daughter Ruby |
Here are the last still missing
reports from the double show in Dortmund:
National all breed shot, 12.10.07 and
International dog show "Bundessieger", 14.10.2007
We may celebrate a hat-trick:
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q Q starts in youth class and gains the title Bundesjugendsieger 2007! Q is the only one from our group who also was shown the National show on Friday. Also there he wins the youth class with KFT and VDH Jgd. CAC.
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer With 6 years still on top: Mortimer wins the champion class and gains the Bundessieger 2007!
Ch. Sir Darnley's
Olivia Offbeat Obsession Q's mother and Mortimer's sister: Also Olivia wins the champion class and gets the female Bundessieger 2007!
What a success on Germanys biggest annual show. Of course we are very proud of our Scotties! Many thanks to Jörg Stefan for handling Olivia in BOB competition. The complete Scottie results from the National show dated 12.10.2007 are =>HERE<=. And the results from the "Bundessieger" dated 14.10.2007 will be found =>HERE<=. |
Bundesjugendsieger 2007 + J.Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
2007 + Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer |
2007 + Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession |
International all breed show in Maastricht (NL), 30.09.2007
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q S: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession
Another great win for our Q. His mother Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession wins the champion class with R. CAC and R. CACIB. =>HERE<= are the complete Scottie results with a few pictures. |
J. Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q, BIG 3rd. |
During our holiday in September I have entered 2 dog shows in Denmark. Here are the reports:
International all breed show in Brøndby (DK) "København Winner"
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q S: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession Coming from youth class Q gains the CAC. Above all he also is best male, København Winner and best of breed! A success I am specially proud of. In Denmark there is an anual TOP Scottie ranking with hard competition. Therefore the leading show dogs are presented on almost all available shows.
Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie Nellie wins the open class and BIK3.
Ch. Sir Darnley's
Kiss-Curl Kylie Out of Veteran Class Kylie gains BIK4. All Scottie results and some explanations are to be found =>HERE<=. Not that many pictures as usual as I am alone this time. |
Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
BOB: Sir Darnley's Qubic Q, best female: Ayrzol Jimalthea |
CAC Terrier Show in Hårlev (DK)
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q V: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession Again Q wins the youth class and gains BIK4. Therefore he also receives his 2nd. Danish CAC.
Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie Nellie again wins the open class. This time she is BIK2 and so she also gets the CAC.
Ch. Sir Darnley's
Kiss-Curl Kylie Kylie is the only Scottie Veteran again. But in the big ring she wins best Veteran in show. In the DTK's (Dansk Terrier Klub) competition for best Veteran of the year Kylie is currently on 3rd. place although she has only be shown twice on DTK's shows.
=>HERE<= are the complete Scottie results from Hårlev. This time there are no show pictures of my own dogs. So I decided to pick some snap shots from our holiday instead. :-)
The 2007 TOP Scotties ranking in Dänemark includes 19 shows until now. The complete list is to be found at Kennel Nicla. Just 4 times shown, Nellie is on rank 13. Even if Mortimer and Q were only shown twice, both are ranked on place 16 until now. |
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Sir Darnley's Qubic Q | |
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Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie | |
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Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie |
The Bundessieger (Federal-Winner) Trio!
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Bundesjugendsieger Male | Bundessieger Male | Bundessieger Female |
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q S: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession |
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer S: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie Owner: Helma van Wieringen (NL) |
Ch. Sir Darnley's
Olivia Offbeat Obsession S: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie |
This success makes us very proud! Details will follow "as soon as possible". |
Terrier show OG Gotha, 02.09.2007
We celebrate our new
German Youth Champion:
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q Q wins the youth class and his 4th. Jgd. CAC. So in just 4 shows he gained his German KFT Youth Champion! In the main ring he again is in the youth dogs TOP 5. |
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J. Ch. Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer V: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie Bes: Helma van Wieringen This time Mortimer wins the honour class. A special class only for International Champions without any tickets. All Scottie results with pictures are to be found =>HERE<=. |
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Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer |
Above I now have insert a schedule of the missing reports so everybody can see what still is in process. It is a great pity that I am not able to publish such nice results as Denmark and Maastricht promptly. But at the same time I want to keep on reporting the complete results, possibly with pictures. So I keep trying to reduce this list.
Now first of all the Scottie Special, 01.09.2007 in Nordthüringen in the East of Germany:
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q S: Ch. Lucia's Dream Scandalizer M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession Q wins the youth class and his 3rd. Jgd. CAC. In the main ring he is in the youth dogs TOP 5. |
Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer S: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie Owner: Helma van Wieringen Mortimer wins champion class and CAC. The complete Scottie results are to be found =>HERE<=. Rolf Conrads shot aplenty of pictures with my digicam. Nearly 100 of them are included in the report. Have fun with it. |
Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer |
We are back from a wonderful holiday in Denmark!
KFT Terrier Club Winner
show in Bensheim, 19.08.2007 We celebrate a new Club Winner!
Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie Our Nellie gained the Club Winner title, went best of breed and in the main ring she also was 2nd. low legged Terrier! As Always =>HERE<= here are the complete Scottie results with pictures. |
Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie |
KFT Terrier show OG Hessen Süd, 18.08.2007
Sir Darnley's
Qubic Q The still hasty Q got V2 with Res. J. CAC, which will be upgraded. The full Scottie results and some pictures are to be found =>HERE<=. This was Q's 2nd. show result. The following weekend he passed his first breeding examination. |
Sir Darnley's Qubic Q |
The results of the Scottie special (01.+02.09.2007) will follow soon as well as the report of our holiday!
I am feeling so sorry that I was not able to update the English site for so long but I just had no time to do it. I keep trying to catch it up!
Now here are first of all the
reports of the "oldest" shows we have visited:
CAC OG Ahlen 11.08.07, CAC Leuven (B) 04.08.07
and CACIB Europasieger Dortmund 05.05.07 (I do feel ashamed!).
There was a lot to celebrate - but in turn:
Terrier Show OG
Ahlen, 11.08.2007
Here no Sir Darnley's was shown himself but even their offspring did
really great:
J. Ch. Aaron von der Westerweide "Niko" S: Ch. Sir Darnley's Noble Nicolson M: Dark Angel's Deborah B: Martina + Frank Blumreiter, O: Roswitha Laufenberg Normally Niko and his owner are a well-rehearsed team. Unfortunately Roswitha Laufenberg got ill shortly before the show. So I offered to handle Niko instead. He was not that much thrilled but in the end he showed quite acceptable. Together we won Niko's 2. CAC. Congratulations and "get well soon" to Roswitha Laufenberg! |
J. Ch. Aaron von der
Westerweide |
Rose's Crackerjack S: Ch. Sir Darnley's Magical Mascot M: Loretta of Invisible Touch B: Hermann Vehreschild, O: Hannelore Wilhelm-Krischke Handling: Maren Bichel After a longer break Cracker showed with enthusiasm again. By winning the J. CAC he completed his KFT Youth Champion. On top of that he went best of breed. Later in the very strong big ring with 22 young dogs he also went best Youth in show! Congratulations to Hannelore Wilhelm-Krischke for this nice win again. |
J. Ch. Rose's Crackerjack |
From Dash
Mountain Farm's Let's Look "Cailin" S: From Dash Mountain Farm's Look At Me M: From Dash Mountain Farm's Liquorice B: Gerda v. Stuivenberg, O: Gerda v. Stuivenberg + Yvonne Jagers (NL) Cailin is a granddaughter of Ch. Sir Darnley's Native Nugget. Handled by her co owner Yvonne Jagers, Cailin won the female youth class and her 2nd. J. CAC. Congratulations to Gerda van Stuivenberg and Yvonne Jagers. The complete Scottie results from Ahlen are =>HERE<=, provided with pictures that Peter Paultook with my digicam. |
From Dash Mountain Farm's
Let's Look |
One week before we were in Belgium:
International dog show
with CAC in Leuven (B), 04.08.2007
We celebrate a new Belgium Champion:
Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer Mortimer won the CAC and went best of
breed. |
During the show we again
met two of Mortimers young sons from France. They accompanied their breeders Raoul
Francoise le Pelletier (Della
Roccacia di Modigliana) for training.
To see his promising offspring made us as proud as Mortimers success. Congratulations to Helma van Wieringen (NL) and to the family le Pelletier (F)! |
Multi Ch. Sir Darnley's Mylord Mortimer with his sons "Della Roccacia di Modigliana" | |
Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie S: From Dash Mountain Farm's Chuck M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie Unfortunately Nellie choke on something and snuffled the whole time. Although she won the Res. CAC. The complete Scottie results are to be found =>HERE<= with pictures taken by Rolf Conrads. |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie |
And even if it is already 4 months ago:
International VDH European Winner dog show in Dortmund,
We celebrate 3 titles!
Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie Nellie won CAC and CACIB and went European Winner '07. Additionally she went best of breed Scottish Terrier! By this win Nellie also completed her VDH Champion Title! |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Nosy Nellie | |
Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession S: Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie Olivia won the strong open class with Res. CAC and Res. CACIB. As Olivia's reserve will be upgraded to a full CACIB, she also completed her Internationalen Champion! |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession | |
Sir Darnley's Noble Nicolson S: From Dash Mountain Farm's Chuck M: Ch. Sir Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie O: Helma van Wieringen Nick also won the strong males Champion class and got Res. CAC and Res. CACIB. =>HERE<= are the complete Scottie results with some pictures taken by Peter Paul. |
Ch. Sir Darnley's Noble Nicolson |
puppies are developing nicely. They are nearly 10 weeks of age. Time goes so
quickly! =>HERE<= are new pictures.
The new animated Scottish Terrier Friends Association (Scottish Terrier Förderverein) is online. Therefor Martina Kuhlmey made available her already well known address Many thanks! |
Rookie, Ruby und Reggae |
The older news are not gone:
Here you will find the News Archive